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Skylar drowsed fitfully in the narrow cockpit, caught between bouts of thin sleep and this waking nightmare. He had always dreamed of flying through space, exploring uncharted planets, darting amidst the stars. Not like this, though. Aboard his uncle's tiny craft, unable to speak, uncertain if he would ever return home, he felt more like a prisoner than an explorer.

When their journey commenced, Quoryn had been nothing more than a glowing freckle in the star-filled vista. Slowly the shape had grown larger, until it was no longer merely a green orb floating in space, but a planet looming before them. Skylar marveled at the sight. Never had he seen anything like it. It was not a giant ball of sand, like his planet. It was one contiguous forest, sprawling over the entire face of the planet, broken only by the white polar ice caps, and a few scattered valleys, lakes and seas. Skylar had never seen anything so wondrous. The sight caused him to momentarily forget all of his fears.

Soon the shuttle was plunging at blistering speed into Quoryn's oxygen-rich atmosphere.

"Welcome to Quoryn," said Lasseter, ending the long night of silence.

"It's beautiful," replied Skylar, looking in every direction all at once.

"Indeed, there is more to see than on Haladras. Yet, despite its beauty, it still holds perils for you. We will be landing soon. We must avoid looking conspicuous. No talking of the events that have brought us here until we are in a more secure location."

"Where are we going?"

"To the dwelling of those who understand your plight."

They landed in a small glade, among a dense growth of trees. The sun of this planet had begun to wane. Despite his excitement over the new planet, he suddenly felt heavy with fatigue. He yawned loudly.

"No time for sleep," said his uncle. "We have several miles to walk before we may rest."

"Several miles!" cried Skylar. "Whatever for? Can't we take the ship closer to wherever we're going?"

"It's too dangerous. I only hope the ship is small enough that no one will care that we dodged the port."

So saying, Lasseter opened the hatch and climbed out of the cockpit. A rush of cool air flooded in, sending shivers down Skylar's spine. His muscles immediately tensed. Never had he felt so cold. His uncle appeared unfazed by the chill air. Seeing Skylar shivering, Lasseter chuckled.

"I think you'll be wanting that cloak now."

Skylar clambered out of the cockpit, opened the storage compartment and rummaged through the sack. Finding the cloak, he quickly put it on. The heavy paqua hair fabric brought instant relief to his frigid body. Despite his previous grumbling about the cloak, Skylar felt grateful to have it.

Shouldering his pack, Skylar dismounted the craft and joined Lasseter.

"Don your hood, Skylar," he said, doing so with his own. "Anonymity is our ally here."

Skylar obeyed his uncle's instruction―though he saw no reason for it―then set off behind him as he led Skylar toward the fence of trees enclosing the glade.

"Will your shuttle be safe there?" questioned Skylar after a few paces, turning back to check on the vulnerable-looking craft.

"Safe enough," replied Lasseter softly. "Though it matters little now..."

Within moments, the two travelers stepped inside the forest of trees, and the light around them instantly faded to near blackness. The air felt colder. Skylar pulled the hood further over his face and stared up in wonder at the towering trees. They swayed rhythmically, in time with an imperceptible breeze. The dark blue sky overhead peered down at the forest in small jagged splotches. Ahead, all that could be seen was an endless host of tree trunks set among the ferns and shrubs.

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