Chapter Eight

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"He came here at like four something in the morning." Yoongi nodded. "In the rain. He was soaked."

"Why?" Hana asked preparing coffee for herself and Yoongi. The two were standing in the kitchen conversing amongst themselves while Jimin was still sleeping upstairs.

"I think it had something to do with Seung." Yoongi shrugged. "I didn't want to ask, really. He had marks on his jaw, though."

"You don't think he put his hands on Minnie, do you?" Hana asked, almost certain that Seung did. "I'll kill Seung, I swear I will."

"That's what I'm saying."

"What? Could it be that you're upset about this?" Hana teased. "Does that mean, somewhere in that icy heart, you care about Jimin?" She snorted, handing her cousin his cup of coffee.

"What?! Why would I care about him?" Yoongi scoffed. "I definitely don't care about him." Although, while saying that, Yoongi kept his eyes on the cup in his hands, refusing to meet the gaze of the latter who already knew the truth.

"Yeah, sure." Hana said, sarcastically. "Anyway, I think he should take the day off and relax a little."

"Is he staying here by himself?"

"You wouldn't mind staying with him, would you?"

"So we can argue all day? Why do you keep trying to push us together?"

"Because, part of me knows there's chemistry between you two. So, if its the last thing I do, I'm gonna get you two to date." She said flatly. "So, be nice and take care of the poor boy while I'm at the bar, please."

"What do you expect me to do? I'm still trying not to break my stitches."

"Just have a conversation with him. Something casual. Try not to be as harsh as you usually are." And with that, Hana left without another word.

Not too long after, Jimin had finally awaken. "Where's Hana?" He asked, entering the kitchen to see Yoongi rinsing his cup.

"She went to the bar." He answered.

"Shouldn't we be there too?"

"She said you don't have to go in today."

"Why not?"

"She wants you to rest." Yoongi turned to face the latter once he finished washing his cup.

"For what? I'm not sick or anything." Jimin asked, leaning against the counter beside Yoongi.

"She's just looking out for you."

"I don't need anyone looking out for me." Jimin scoffed.

"Apparently you do." Yoongi shrugged and passed Jimin to leave the kitchen.

"What's that supposed to mean?"  He asked, following behind the other.

"It means what it means."

"You're gonna need to be more specific." Jimin said, following Yoongi into the living room.

"You obviously need someone looking out for you, because Seung sure isn't doing it. What does he care if you get hurt? What does he care if you're sad? You know all he cares about is himself." Yoongi stopped and turned on his heels, causing Jimin to nearly bump into him.

"You don't know him to talk about him like that." He stood, glaring at the other.

"I dont need to know him, to know he doesn't care."

"He cares."

"If he did, would you even be here right now? Would you have even came here last night?"

Jimin opened his mouth to speak, but had nothing to say that would help him win the argument. Maybe Yoongi was right. Seung didn't care. Did he ever? Was it just his way of gaining control over Jimin? "He cares..." Jimin said slowly, mostly trying to convince himself.

"You can keep telling yourself that, but he doesn't. I can bet my life on it."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Jimin pushed passed him to leave to room, but didn't expect Yoongi to grab his wrist.

"He put his hands on you, Jimin."

"No he didn't." Jimin lied, staring down at his feet.

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying."

"Then look at me and tell me he didn't."

Jimin shook his head. "I can't."

"Because he did, didn't he?" When Jimin didn't answer, Yoongi let go of his wrist. "Why are you still with him?"

"He's all I know, Yoongi." Jimin turned to face the other. "I wouldn't know  what to do with myself."

"It's not that you wouldn't know what to do, it's that it scares you to think about it."


"There's nothing you can say to justify anything relating to Seung. Nothing." Yoongi interrupted. "You're better off without him."

"What will I do without him? I'd be lost."

"You've got nothing but friends willing to help you out. Even I'm willing to help." Yoongi nodded and threw his arm around Jimin, leading him to the couch. "Let's forget about the negative and watch some movies or something until Hana gets home. Then we can talk her into taking us out to eat."

"How are we gonna do that?"

"Just tell her you're sad and hungry."

"Why are you so concerned about me and Seung anyway?" Jimin asked, removing Yoongi's hand from over his shoulder after they sat down.

"It's no fun arguing with you if you're upset because of him."

"Or is it because you like me?" Jimin asked, jokingly.

"What?! No! Jesus, what's with you and Hana? I don't have any kinda feelings for you." Yoongi scoffed, and folded his arms across his chest.

"I was only kidding, but since you reacted like that, I think it may be true." Jimin snorted.

"Don't get your hopes up, because it's not."


"I have to go back home. I need clothes." Jimin announced, the next day.

"Well, you can't go alone." Hana informed Jimin, while staring at Yoongi.

"Why can't I?"

"I won't allow it." Hana answered in that motherly tone of hers. "How do I know you won't end up staying there because he apologized?"

"It would be a bullshit apology if you ask me." Yoongi commented.

"Then who's gonna take me?"

"Yoongi will." Hana volunteered her cousin.

Yoongi glared at Hana, who in return, smiled as if she did nothing wrong. "You just love volunteering me, huh?"

"I know what I'm doing." Hana nodded. "You'll see."

"I hope I go blind so I don't have to."

"You'll be thanking me, just watch."

Yoongi ignored Hana, and turned his attention to an impatient Jimin. "So, you wanna go now and get it over with?"

"Well, duh. I'd like to be in my own clothes as soon as possible."

"No need to be rude." Yoongi muttered, and gave Hana one last glare before grabbing his keys and leaving with Jimin.

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