Is a Man

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I was always known for my great service, but for once I wanted to stall. Not so that I'd have more alone time with him, actually just the opposite. I was stalling in hopes that someone would walk in. This place was always busy, I struggled to get people to leave for closing time, and now? Empty. All except for Mason and me. Gravity Falls, I treat you so well and this is the thanks I get? 

Finally he broke the silence, "Do you need, uh, help?"

In truth I did need help. I needed help remembering who they were and why I can't shake this feeling. Yes Mason, I'd love some help, thank you!  

"I guess you wouldn't know since you have never had anything other than regular coffee, but espresso takes a little longer." That was a complete lie, espresso takes approximately 20 seconds to make. But I had no other way to tell him I was waiting for the morning rush.

"Oh, right...sorry..." 

I must have come off too harsh because he's shutting down. I better pick up the atmosphere... How? Why do I care so much? I hardly know the man. He just blew in to town, I mean I don't even have to serve him! 

No, that wouldn't be good for business, I never refuse a customer. 

"You know-," I should probably think of something to say before I open my mouth. "I never did ask, what brings you here?"

This seemed to make him feel better because he smiled, "I came here to write, and visit some family, but mainly to write."

Coffee shops do tend to draw in that type of crowd. 

"What do you write about?" Yeah, let him do all the talking 

"I started off in non-fiction, though everyone I ever encountered told me it was fiction. I knew the truth, I just got so tired defending it so I switched to fiction. All that did was help their case though." 

"Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction."

He laughed, I'm still not used to it, "Got that right." 

I mustered a small smile and went to the kitchen to grab a pastry. What would someone like him want? A seemingly caffeine addicted, sleep deprived, writer... I grabbed a chocolate muffin and headed out to the main floor. I didn't think I was gone for that long, because by the time I returned he was already up and exploring, not that I minded. Like I said before, I want people to feel like this is their space. 

"I figured I'd give you a 'welcome to town' present, or 'welcome back to town' present, and don't worry about paying... It's taking a long time, I didn't mean for you to wait this long." 

God that was a long winded explanation/ excuse.

"Huh? Oh!" That smile "Thank you, but really I don't mind paying."

"No no, please, I insist." 

"How about, in return I-"

Oh god... What could he possibly say? That he'll kill me? Take all my money? Or worse... want to go upstairs...

"sign the copy of my book."


"I'm sorry... what?" I needed a minute to process 

"My book." He said proudly taking the book off the bookshelf. 

Out of Mind

"Oh! Wow, I feel so stupid, I never made the connection." I chuckled nervously, knowing damn well I make it a priority to read that book at least twice a year. Seriously, how could I have not realized? 

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