Unexpected Boat ride

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Breakfast was quiet, both Nate and Lindsay had chosen to skip, I will not deny my suspicions of how convenient that was. Were they skipping breakfast together or separately?

"I hope my company is enough for you dear?" Ruben spoke up to get my attention. I blushed feeling a little embarrassed about my rudeness.

"I apologize Ruben, you have my full attention."

"That's ok Dear, I don't mind-he is in fact a worthy opponent for your attention." He chuckled at my further embarrassment; Ruben had managed to figure out I was quietly pining after Nate. "I understand completely how these situations can be but it will get better."

I needed to change the course of this conversation, "Can I ask why you didn't want me to know and that you were my godfather?"

"Ahh...your parents finally confessed i see."
"I always wondered why you were so nice, I just assumed that you were using me in your agenda to get my dad's business."

"I'm a ruthless business man Claire, but I don't use children in my business tactics." He called over a steward to pour us some more coffee.

"I didn't mean to offend," He waved off my apology and offered me a scone.

"Do you still like these?"

"Yes I do. I haven't one in ages however." I smother a rather large piece of the scone in some strawberry jam before stuffing the entire thing in my mouth in a very unladylike fashion.
"Sorry," I muffled through my full mouth-he remained silent but I could see the amusement in his eyes. I
Quickly swallowed before I continued, "Please don't tell my mother." He suddenly burst out in a hearty laugh,

"Your secret is safe with me." He then took an even larger bite from his own scone. "I hope I wasn't too presumptuous with my offer."

"Your offer?"

"The excursion with Nate. I am more than aware of your history together."

"Yes well, long before our romantic history Nate and I were friends. That being said it was six months ago now, maybe it's time we put all this aside and to get back to that place-before the drama."

"That would be a good plan. If that is what you both truly want."
I didn't get the opportunity to reply as Lindsay came out to join us at the table, she greeted a general good morning to the table and jumped right into a work-related conversation with Ruben effectively shutting me out.
I ate the rest of my breakfast in silence-and few times I caught Lindsay looking at me with a deep contempt but there was something else there-almost smug-I would go as far to say sinister.

Brushing off her odd behavior I went back to my cabin to collect my clutch and dress from the evening before.  The plan was to head into town Ben would meet me with by bag so I'd be able to pick up appropriate clothing and shoes for the hike today.

I arrived into the harbour just after 9:00, downtown was already fairly busy, tourists moving to about to start their day and locals busying themselves getting to work on time. Getting to the store would be fairly simple though as I had some time before the store opened I chose to walk from the harbour. Along the way I passed a small stall with handcrafted quilts, they were so beautiful I stopped to make small talk with the vendor and bought two quilts that I think would look great in the girls' bedroom. While making my purchases I felt an uneasy feeling wash over me; never once did I consider myself to be a paranoid person but everyone has a certain natural instinct which alerts when something is just not right. The vendor spoke getting my attention and distracted me from my paranoia.

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