Chapter 2: Chaos's Personal Army

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It was morning and I really didn't get enough sleep last night and Asia was still in her kitten form curled up on the corner of my bed.

Annoyed that she was still sleeping and I didn't get any, I pretended that I was still sleeping and kicked her off the bed with a loud 'Meow!' Gravity took over as she made contact with the ground.

I took that as my 30 second chance to leave the room as quickly as possible before I get pummeled by her. I ran and slammed the door behind me coming face to face with Alpha who was giving me a confused look.

I shook my head and said "Run. Now."
His eyes widened and followed me down as we jumped down the balcony onto the stairs while running by my side he asked me "What did you do?" In a amused tone
I shrugged and answered nonchalantly "Kicked her off the bed,"
His eyes held laughter in them and he stopped running "Well it was fun while it lasted but, you're on your own now." He said waving to me
"Alpha!" I yelled annoyed as I ran into the kitchen skidding to a halt grabbing a chair next to Angel and Flame they looked at me and went back to their breakfast
I frowned grumbling "Well Good Morning to you as well!"
Rose grinned and set my breakfast on the table "Good Morning Omega, where's Asia?" She asked
"On a rampage," I replied taking a bite into my blue eggs and cheese
Startled she dropped her spatula "This early?" She exclaimed
I shook my head my mouth full "My fault," I clarified

"The poor creature!" Rose sympathized while I dug in my breakfast rolling my eyes
"She'll find me, she always does somehow..." I mused "We can't live without each other it seems,"
Rose nodded her head while heading to the counter to fix Flame something else

As I finished the rest of my breakfast I stood up only to get slammed back onto the ground by a black wolf
"Seriously? Percy? Seriously?" She said seething
"I'm sorry?" I said out loud trying to get her weight off of me but failing admirably
"Why must you torment me so?" She asked me
"For many reasons," I told her in my mind "One is so that they don't think anything happened last night and that I'm fine,"
Asia looked at me and jumped off me allowing me to sit up on the floor
She cocked her head to the side before saying "In reality you're not, so why deceive your friends?"
"I just told you." I replied simply ending the conversation Asia turning invisible at my side in her wolf form

I was rubbing my temples thinking about last night when Alpha came in cracking a wide grin "So she got you?"
I rolled my eyes "Of course she did," I answered He sat down on a stool and looked at me "Why are you on the floor?"
"Because I want to," was my reply I was about to say something else after that comment but Rose interrupted by saying "Guys Chaos was talking about us doing some extra training and before our break Omega then Alpha he has requested to come pay him a visit," she said cheerfully while going back to flirting with Flame next to a Angel who looks like she'd rather drown in her bowl of cereal.

I stood up abruptly "I'm gonna start on my training... You guys take your time," I told them
While walking down the hall to the arena I notice that Asia was in human form "Percy Jackson, Right hand man to Chaos, he controls the gruesome demon Asia from the Void The Dæmon that went Rogue,"
She says teasingly
I look at her shimmering form and shake my head "It was a misunderstanding, I wonder why people can't just keep their thoughts to themselves," I huffed as I opened the arena door
"Your friends think that I am a creature from a different planet that only has 2 forms that we've allowed them to see. Alpha on the other hand believes I should be painted blue and be called an 'Avatar'
For some unknown reason," she informed me
I bit back a small laugh and said "That's Alpha for you,"
She ignored me and went on "There's more to your title and now if I remember there is, "Hero of Olympus," she mused
I turned to her "Don't go there."
She sat down ignoring me again before continuing " An Assassin named Glacè deadliest assassin around, oh, and don't forget that you also was born with Voids Flame marking you as both Chaos's and Destruction's heir I wonder how you'll deal in that predicament?" She wondered out loud
That caused me to stop and look at her "Asia you need to stop, I get what you are trying to say and I get it myself... I do t even knows how I'm still alive to begin with!" I told her exasperated
"Overpowered for no reason and he doesn't want the power that he was given..." She ended trailing off

"You know that sometimes that those people can be right about you being a Demon?" I snapped
"Let me be a Demon, You know I'll always be yours it comes with the package," she said while becoming visible in the form of a kitten sleeping on the bench leaving me to drown myself in my thoughts and new worries that she just reminded me of
"Sometimes I hate you," I mutter looking at her and as if on cue Alpha and the crew walk in and Alpha had his hands out "Hate me? How could you hate this awesome sexy looking funny handsome-" He started
I cut him off "You already established your appearance well the appearance that you dream of," I said smirking.

Rose and Angel were trying to hide their smiles and Flame was comforting Alpha.
I pushed a dummy at Alpha "Why don't we get started?"

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