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Chapter 46

Chapter 46

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"Again!" Emmett's voice boomed and echoed throughout every surface of the forest.

Samantha stayed at her spot which was next to Rosalie who had been staring at Emmett and his figure for the past ten minutes they've been here. It had been a few hours since the party and since Samantha found out about the newborns. And in those hours that had passed, Samantha hadn't got any sleep. The teenager looked as if she was about to pass out at any moment. Samantha was trying to figure out who was behind all of this. Of course, the first person she thought of was Victoria.

Then the next was a certain missing person, Riley Biers. Samantha did some research on him and it caught her attention immediately. She started to think if Riley and the newborns were somewhat connected. Riley went missing in Seattle. The disappearances of some people, which still continued on, was all happening in Seattle.

They all have to connect somehow right? Samantha thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted whine she saw Emmett, once again, fly across the open of the forest and slimed his back on the dirt. Samantha shook her head and chuckled when she saw the look of annoyance on Emmett's expression. Jasper was teaching his family as well as the pack how to fight off newborns. The only person he wasn't teaching was Samantha. why. One being that she could kill an entire clan on her own. The second, she already knew how newborns fought from experiencing it herself.

She as well as the Cullen's gathered themselves besides each other as they all stared at the woods when they felt their presence near by. Soon enough, she saw her brothers wolf figure pop out then Jacob, then the rest of the pack. Samantha's chest tightened at the sight of Jacob. The conversation she recently had with him still haunted her mind. She told herself to not feel guilty of what she said to him. He's the one that should be feeling guilty, not her. But she couldn't help it, the sad look he gave her made her feel as if she was the one guilty.

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard Carlisle speak. "Will you translate?" He asks looking at Edward who nodded his head. Carlisle stepped forward, glancing at each and every wolf,"Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them. Same goes for Samantha."

All wolves turned their fury heads towards the hybrid who simply gave them a sheepish smile followed by a nod. "They want us to know how the newborns are different from us," Edward interjects.

"They're a great deal stronger then us. It's because human blood is in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful then in our first five seven months after the bite," Carlisle explains then turns to Jasper giving him a look to continue on.

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