Dear Cousin

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You were always there for me, and I truly appreciate that. You were more like a sister to me than a cousin, and we remain close.
I miss you a lot, though. You live so far away now. I kinda wish you hadn't ran away. I understand that you needed to and that your dad was being a bastard, but I still need you.
I know. I'm beyond selfish. I'm a dickhead who shouldn't see the light of day, but I can't help it. I love you, and I miss you. You could always cheer me up, and believe it or not, I actually did enjoy talking to you.
Focusing on your problems and issues helped me ignore mine, and I needed that. I needed to feel like I could help.
So thanks for giving that to me for a while. I couldn't possibly thank you enough for all the support you've shown.
I know you had trouble with my pronouns and name, but you did try and I appreciate that. You always tried your hardest.
Don't come back until you're ready. Please don't force yourself to stay in a toxic household. If they can't accept you, they don't deserve you.
They act as though you're in the wrong, when it was them the whole time.
I don't believe God would send you to Hell for who you love. And if he does, then fuck it. Hell must be a pretty fabulous place, considering all the gays that end up there.
I love you, bruh. I love you.
Stay strong, and stay safe.
Macks Liam(your brother, not your cousin😉)

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