chapter six

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Jada Blue




“YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!!” Aspasia shouted super loud. “5,000 dollars for one pair of shoes?!”

“Welcome to the world of fashion, love.” I and Aspasia were at Fashion Week: New York. It was incredible!!! All of the clothes, and shoes, and accessories, and make-up, and all of the gorgeous male models. I couldn’t believe it! I was seriously at Fashion Week! (Well technically we were only at Vera Wang’s fashion show, which I had no problem with, but we were BACKSTAGE where Vera was going to give an exclusive sneak peek into her newest collection.) And I heard that Diggy Simmons was supposed to be there. I didn’t mention that to Aspasia though. If she would have known she would be running around the entire place trying to find him. And that. That would not be good. We wove our way through the different booths and set ups. The actual fashion show was scheduled to go down two hours later. So we had lots of time to kill.

“Come on Aspasia! Let’s go find Vera Wang!!” I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to find Vera.  

“Jada! Jada! JADA! Slow Down!!!” We finally stopped at Vera’s Booth.

“Dude! Dude! Dude! It’s…it’s…it’s Vera….Vera…Wang!!!” I freaked out. Vera was giving a speech about her latest shoe line and I was so in tuned that I didn’t notice Aspasia jabbing me in the side with her finger nail.

“Jada! Turn around!” She whisper yelled.


“Turn around and you’ll see an amazingly styled male figure staring right at you and if I do say so myself he looks smitten.”



“Okay.” I slowly turned flinching slightly. What I saw was too good to be true. Daniel “Diggy” Simmons was staring right at me. Aspasia was right he did look smitten. I quickly turned around to hide the fact that I was absolutely smitten too. “What do I do?!”

“Just play it cool.” Aspasia laughed.

“Ohmygoodness. I’m gonna die!”

Aspasia laughed harder.

“And you’re just laughing!”

“I’m sorry! It’s just hilarious!”

“Dude, you know who that is…don’t you?”

“No….should I…”

“That’s…Di-.” Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to find him standing there staring right in my eyes.

“Umm… you’re Jada…right? Jada Blue?”

 “Yes.” I extended my hand for a handshake.

“I’m Daniel Simmons. But you can call me Diggy.” He smiled as he brought my hand to his lips.

“Hi…I’m Jada.”

“I know.” He chuckled a little.

“Right. ‘Cause I already said that.  So…um… I’d better be getting to my seat the show should be starting soon.”

“Right. Right. Would you and…um… I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name…” He turned.

“Aspasia Everwood.” Aspasia answered extending her hand. He shook it briefly.

“Of course. Would you and Aspasia like to come sit with me in the front row?” He locked my eyes with his.

“Ummm….sure.” I smiled.

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