chapter 14

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Jada Blue

“Diggs?” I jumped off of the counter and he turned to face me.

“Yes, Squirrely?” He kissed me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

“I told you! I hate that name!” I pulled away from him.

“I’m sorry” He stuck his bottom lip out. “Now what did you want?”

“Never mind.” I skipped into the living room where the boys were playing some violent video game. We were waiting for Aunt Kelly to get home and for Aspasia to get back from her date. I was so happy for her. After tonight we both would have amazing boyfriends.

“Hey Diggs! Two things.”

“Okay?” He said. “What’s the first thing?”

“I found us the perfect nicknames!”

“Ok...” He said nervously.

“Danny and Sandy!!”


“Because! Your real name is Daniel. So I could call you Danny. And Danny and Sandy because of Grease!”

“Oh…wow… so what was the second thing?”

“Ugh. You don’t get it! Well anyways… I was just gonna say that Aspasia decided to say yes to Justin, but since you wanna be rude about the nicknames I don’t care anymore!!  Wait, I care about Aspasia’s happiness. But I don’t care about you!!” I ran back in the kitchen.

“Why are you so mad at me?!” He yelled.

“Because you’re being a jerk face about the nicknames!”

“Because they’re stupid nicknames! Pardon me for not wanting to be called Danny!”

“Oh and Squirrely is so much better?!”

“Could you two possibly be quiet or go argue in Jada’s room?!” Vince said still completely in tuned in his video game where currently he was shooting a zombie’s head off.

“We are not arguing!” I yelled.

            “What would you call it since apparently you are so much smarter than me?!”

            “I don’t know! Ugh!”

I glared at Diggy, waiting. I thought for sure he would apologize right away. But instead, he just pecked me on the side of my forehead.

 “I’ll see you later, Jada.” And with that he was out the door.  What just happened? , I thought. I was sad he didn’t do what I expected him to do. Normally he would sweep me up in his arms and kiss me and then everything would be alright. I was scared.

“Did we just…have our first fight?” I said softly to myself. Suddenly Aspasia walked in the door. She looked frazzled like she had just been-

“KISSED?!” I yelled as soon as I shut Aspasia and I’s door.

“Huh? What?!” Aspasia stumbled. “How’d you know?”

“Please Aspasia.”

“I know, I know. I’m so happy.”

“I’m happy for you too sweetie!”

“Now we both have perfect boyfriends!”

“Too bad I’m not the perfect girlfriend…” I mumbled.

“What happened hun?” She sat down and kicked off her black Uggs.

“Huh? Oh nothing to worry about dear. Besides tonight we talk about your love life and nothing else.” I sat down on the side of my bed that faced her bed. “So…tell me everything.”

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