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Ari is sitting on the floor. "What movie shall we watch?" They calls out. "Lion king!" Leo squeals excitedly. "Nemo!" Calls out Pisce calls out from a pile of stuffed toys.

Taur is busy eating popcorn to hear Ari. They're surrounded by bags of food. Sneaking out from behind a bed, Stag manages to grab a bag of popcorn without them noticing.

Gem is drawing with Lib. Gem is drawing butterflies in a forest and Lib is drawing anime girls. Gem is frustrated sitting in a pile of pencils and pens while Lib is distracted and accidentally colours outside the iris on the eye she's drawing.

Can is planing pranking people with Sco. The have a bucket of warm water and tooth paste Oreos. They are trying to find a spider to scare some of the signs with.

Leo is jumping for joy and clutching a toy lion and runs to the TV to watch lion king.

Vir is spying on Can and Sco's pranking plans and is reporting to Stag. Stag has made a den full of blankets and pillows. They have strung fairy lights over it and are stealing Taur's food. They plan on ruining the pranksters plans.

Lib is so annoyed that they ruined their drawing they throw it away hitting Pisce.

Sco tips the bucket of water on to Vir and runs into the bathroom before locking the door.

Stag is laughing at Vir after they got drenched in water. However Vir hugs them and they squeal as their clothes become damp as well.

Capri rushing to see the movie with Aqua.

Aqua is sitting on Cari's lap and watching lion king and singing along to the circle of life.

Pisce Is sulking because their movie wasn't chosen but cheers up instantly when Lib calls them over and promises to draw them a picture of nemo.

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