Ending 2

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~Meredith's pov~

The ball finally ended. I had all three guys stand at the bottom on the staircase. I had to choose now. Who do i want to be with?

"I choose..." i said walking down to him.

They all agreed that we ccould still be friends.  I trust my heart. I can't wait to be with him. I walk down and look at Alois.

"Im sorry." I said

he started crying. I hate when he cries but i dont want to be with him. I walk up to the one i want. I take his glasses and put them on. Holy shit! I cant see shit!

"You're blind as a bat! But bbesides that..."

"What?" He asked

"I choose you." I said


"Yes, Grell! I choose you!"

"Im sorry Claude. You will always my big spider." I said

"You will always be my little spider." He said with a smile.

I gave him one last hug. I held Grell's hand. We walked out of the estate. Im still living there. We will just have Grell move in. Michayla will have a great time with him. They have so much in common when it comes to fangirling. Wait! Grell is still in my dress! I will get that back.

"Grell when we get to your house i want my dress back!"



We got to Grell's house. Its nice but everything is red or black. 

"Hey Grell? Where is your bedroom?" I asked

"Up and around the left corner."

"Thank you."

I walked up the stairs to het to his room. Of course its all red. I shut the door, lock it, and look around. I wanted to wear his jacket! I looked through the drawers, and found black silk pajamas. I chanhed into  them.  They were so smooth. I found a closet,Open it, and found nothing. God damn you Grell! I want that jacket! I uunlocked the door and walked out. I saw Grell standing at the bottom of the stairs holding ssomething.

"Looking for this?" He asked

"But how?" I asked

"Try the coat rack. Plus you look nice in those."

"Damn! Im such and idiot!"

"But you're my idiot! Come here." He commanded stomping his foot.

"What did i do?"

"Now Meredith!" 

Grell stomped his foot again. I walked over to him. I was nervous. I have no clue where his chainsaw is either! Im going to die! I closed my eyes waiting to be cut in to pieces. Instead i felt something being put on me.

"Dont be scared.  Plus i was demoted to scissors. Just open your shiny blue eyes." He said.

I opened my eyes to see red. No way! I love it! Im wearing his red jacket! He bent down to my level. As he did that i heard his bone crack.  Now he was my height. I looked into hid emerald eyes behind his glasses. I took them off his face, put them in my pocket, and looked at his eyes better. 

"Beautiful..." i whispered 

"Yes i know they are. Just like you." He said 

"Thanks Grell."

"Hey, next time just ask for my jacket."

He got back up. I cant believe him sometimes. i just find him so interesting.

"You can sit and relax while I get changed." He said

I nodded, handed him his glasses, and went to his red velvet couch. The pillows were skulls. How adorable! I lay my head on the pillow, my eye lids became heavy, and i went to sleep.

~Grell's pov~

I got changed into matching red silk pajamas. I cant help but notice her fascination with me. Alright I'll make some tea and we can talk. I walked down the stairs. I look over to see Meredith sleeping on my couch. I guess its bed time. I went over, carried her bridal style, and went to my room. I walked in and placed her on my bed. I pulled back my red comforter. I slid under covering my body. I made sure i was close to Meredith. I turned over so our backs were touching. But i felt her roll over. She wrapped her arms around me. I turn over. She is still asleep! I put my arms around her. She nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. Awe! I love  her! I cant believe she chose me over the brat and the spider. I have found my love! I donr need to chase Bassy anymore. I have my blond in red...

"Grell i love you." She whispered as i kissed her forehead.

"Dont worry. I love you too." 

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