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Alaric's POV:

I was on lunch break and walking to the door to close until Elena put her foot in between the closing door

"Can I come in?" she ask reaching her head in.

"yeah, sure is everything alright?"while moving out of her way so she can walk to her seat.

"I,um-having to deal with this Mccann guy" she said laying back on her seat while crossing her feet together .

"Oh,I see he's into you..." I pause getting a water bottle for her.

"You know if you want to talk ," I placed the water bottle on her desk.

"Im here." She nodded while she sucked on her bottom lip.

"Thanks, Alaric I appreciate the comment" she said as she drink a sip of water.

"I actually came here to talk about my dreams."

She said putting her chin against the top of the bottle with her hands wrapped around it.

"Dreams?" I ask curiously walking to my seat.

"Yeah, I mean I have then twice a week, and their about Katherine" she quickly spat out.

"Hmm,really?" I said taking out my lunch .

" I know it sounds crazy but there's a strange feeling that she wants to stab my throat with a thousand of knives" she said.

Im still confused ,why would she be having dreams about her?

I mean she's officially dead,why Katherine get in to her head. Elena Gilbert was always into pressure but its just doesn't add up.

It's impossible if Katherine is back because clearly Bonnie took her to the other side....or not?

. Im surely trusting Bonnie on this case because she would put everyone in danger.

Elena's POV:

I started figuring out what Alaric was thinking until I got intturpted by a buzz from my pocket. I pulled out and it was a text from Jeremy.

Jeremy: Don't worry,I'm at school and would you mind coming to my locker?

Elena: sure,is everything alright?

Jeremy: Come and I'll explain.

As I was about to put my phone away until I got another text by Caroline.

Caroline: For god sakes Elena, where are you?!

Elena: I'm at Alaric's but don't worry, I'll meet you guys after school.

I press send and told Alaric's what was going on so he gave me a pass for Jeremy and I. Then I went to look for him.

As I made a turn in the hallway ,I saw Jeremy sitting down with a bloddy nose. I came running up to him and bend down to check him.

"What happend? Who did this to you?!" I ask

(luckily he had a tissue with him)

"Don't worry,it was just some punk who had a problem with me" he said moving my hand out of his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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