Nachos [ Christofer Drew ]

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For kristen444

I watched Christofer dance around stage like a little boy on Christmas morning through the lens of my camera as I snapped a few last photographs of his third Warped Tour performance. The sun shot through my eyes causing me to squint before finally walking out of the photographer-designated area directly in front of the main stage. I began to walk towards my bus, looking at my previous photos from the past few days, causing a smile to dance across my cheeks at sight of my work.

I absolutely loved my job. Two years ago I was offered the job as a photographer for an upcoming band, nevershoutnever. Meeting them for the first time was nerve wrecking, and it took me almost two weeks to actually have a full conversation with Christofer without throwing my sentences into a blender. I may have a teensy, in the closet crush on the blonde goofball.

My path to the bus was slowed when I heard a voice yelling after me, and I turned around to see Christofer running after me, completely out of breath. His bright dyed blonde hair was covered by a white sailor hat that looked absolutely adorable on him. His feet along with his chest were bare, revealing his large tattoo that read "Love is my weapon." I had always taken an interest in his tattoos, and I want more than the two I currently have at the moment: a cross on my wrist and the bible verse of Luke 12:22 across the back of my shoulder blades.

My previous grin had found its way back onto my face as he finally caught up with me, panting extremely hard which led me to release a very loud laugh.

"Damn, you walk really fast." Chris pointed out, and I simply shrugged, not wanting to break out into laughter again.

"Weren't you on stage like five minutes ago?" I asked, curious at to how he had finished his song, closed his show, cleaned up and made his way over to me so quickly.

"I had something really really important to ask you, and I was hoping you would actually wait for me so I wouldn't have to sprint after you!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air slightly with a goofy grin on his face.

"Think of it as the exercise you desperately need, Chris." I raised an eyebrow, looking at his scrawny arms. He looked at me with a sarcastic smile and flexed his arms up in the air, giving me more of an opportunity to stare at his chest.

"Hey, I'm totally Olympic level strong you bitch, and these guns could knock out an entire army." He laughed, but my vision was still directed at his half naked body. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He smirked at me and a blush flashed right onto my cheeks, causing me to look up at him in embarrassment. My brain immediately yanked one of the excuses I used so often out of my thoughts.

"I was looking at your tattoos, It's a rare occasion that you stand there with your hands in the air so I can get a view." I stated seriously, despite my lack of confidence, and he put his arms back down with a hint of defeat. It was silent for a minute before I finally spoke up. "So, uh, what did you want to ask me?" I hinted, hoping it would be the question all his screaming fans would be dying to hear.

"Hm, um, well," he began, acting kind of nervously. My mind began jumping to conclusions.

'Maybe he wants to fire you from warped tour because he found a better photographer who he likes more than you.'

'Maybe he doesn't want to be a singer anymore and wants to be a doctor and he's nervous to tell you because he knows that you don't trust him with surgical equipment.'

'Maybe he received word from a government spy that some elite agents from another organization are plotting to blow up the entire warped tour arena and kill everybody.'

I shook these ridiculous scenarios out of my mind as he continued stuttering, causing me to nearly implode with nerves.

"Chris, what is it!" I nearly yelled, which he seemed a bit taken back by. I lowered my head, a tad embarrassed.

"Do you think pizza is good for a first date? Or nachos? I like pizza and nachos." He said, and I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Nachos definitely. Why? Are you planning on, um, asking somebody out?" Hope sparked in my eyes and I was praying his next words would be those I had wished to hear for the past two years. He seemed nervous again, and then he blurted something out.

"Yeah, uh, the merch girl Hannah."

My insides wanted to scream with frustration, but I hid my disappointment, knowing there were so many other girls out there he could choose from.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye a teenage girl stare right in our direction and shout, "IT'S CHRISTOFER DREW!" Attracting the immediate attention of an entire crowd.

"That's great, Chris. Good luck." I said, extremely emotionless. "I'm gonna go back to the bunk, you know I don't really like crowds," I uttered quietly, motioning to the mob of fans rushing in our direction.

I ran my fingers through my shoulder length, blue hair and took a deep breath, biting my tongue in the process. 'This has happened before, just get over it.' I told myself, even though I didn't really what to listen to my own advice.

My bunk slowly got closer in distance and I finally reached it, climbing inside and closing the curtain immediately to prevent anybody from disturbing me. I pulled out the Stephen King novel I have been reading and picked up where my bookmark was stashed, drowning out any outside affairs.

After what seemed like hours of reading, a noise coming from my bus startled me. It sounded like glass breaking. The hairs on my arms stood up as I slowly shut the novel and placed it beside me. Watching horror movies late nearly every night never had a good effect on my paranoia levels.

I finally managed to grow a pair and slide open the curtain to peek outside. The bunk was completely dark, the exact opposite of how I had left it. My feet dangled over the edge of my bunk which was luckily the lowest since I am fairly short, and touched the ground, my weight adjusting to stand up.

"Hello?" I managed to speak out, semi-quietly, waiting for a response.

Silence continued to ring through my ears until finally light shot through my eyes, revealing a blanket on the ground with two plates of nachos resting on it.

"What do you think, Kristen?" A familiar voice asked me from behind as I turned to face a smiling Christofer with a dustpan in his hand. He noticed my staring at the object he was holding and explained. "I was trying to pour wine but I'm a tad hung over so you might wanna wear shoes so you don't step on broken glass."

I laughed, typical Chris.

"What is all this?" I said, motioning to the dinner set up on the floor. "Is this for Hannah?"


I looked up at him and he was now standing fairly close to me, closer than before. My heart's pace took an increasing leap as I caught his gaze with mine.

"Then what is this?" I quietly, and very nervously asked, resulting in Christofer taking yet another step closer to me to the point where I could feel his breath on my cheek. He moved his face slightly past mine and whispered in my ear.

"This is all for you."

My heart was immediately struck and I could feel my palms swearing as he pulled away and looked me in the eyes once again.

"Come on Kristen, let's go eat some nachos. I have the munchies." He held out his hand and I smiled and laughed hysterically at his weirdness.

I took his hand and he led me in a skipping motion all the way to our candlelight dinner where we sat down and started to eat, despite my stomach being dominated by butterflies.

"You wanna know something, Kiki?" He asked, calling me the nickname he had given me when our friendship began. I simply nodded, not wanting to risk spitting my food that I was currently chewing on him. "You remind me of nachos."

I broke out into a laugh, coughing in the process, leading to Chris patting me on the back as if he had expected my reaction.

"What does that mean?" I managed to choke out between coughs.

"I freaking love nachos, and I freaking love you."

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