Chapter 89

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Nandini smiled at Sumer Singh as he welcomed her into the house.

"Come in...come in," he said warmly. "I was about to come to your house to meet you. How are you doing?" he asked unthinkingly, and then regretted it.

The dear girl looked fatigued and pale and utterly depressed.

"I'm fine, uncle," Nandini said cheerfully. "Just been very tied up with studies."

"Oh yes, your exams are approaching," Sumer Singh nodded, sitting down on a plush chair. "All the best! I'm sure you will clear all the papers with flying colours," he wished affectionately.

"Thank you," Nandini smiled, occupying a spot on the sofa. "Grandpa said you're leaving too?" she asked offhandedly.

Sumer Singh nodded uncomfortably. "Yes, I will be leaving tomorrow."

"Okay... in that case, could you return this to Prithvi?" she asked quietly, extending a small cloth bag.

"What is in it?" Sumer Singh asked blankly.

A gold chain, diamond anklets and a tiny marble idol of Krishna. "Just a few things he had....some things that were left behind," she replied vaguely.

Gifts, Sumer Singh realised sadly. "Nandini, I don't think I should accept these without asking him," he said delicately.

Prepared for the response, Nandini respectfully said, "He will not mind. At least two of them are precious... expensive items. He'll be happy to get them back. I can't keep them in my house any longer. I will have to get rid of them if you don't..."

"No, don't throw them! I'll take it," Sumer Singh said hastily, accepting the bag.

"Thank you," Nandini said in small voice, rising to her feet. She walked up to Sumer Singh and touched his feet.

Sumer Singh placed his hand on her head and blessed her silently.

When she straightened, he saw a damp shine in her eyes. But then she swiftly lowered her head and walked out of the house.


Prithvi could hear raised voices before he had reached the top of the winding marble stairs.

Evidently, Sumer Singh and Kadambari were having another of their acidic exchanges in what was beginning to appear ridiculously like a custody battle for him.

Petty skirmishes had begun from the instant Sumer Singh had arrived three days ago. Kadambari had displayed a refined hostility from the start. Sumer Singh had behaved courteously despite being browbeaten at every turn. However, the realisation that he was being pushed to the sidelines seemed to have put an end to his civility, and the situation had quickly deteriorated.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely have found it hilarious, Prithvi mulled with a sigh as he strode along a lushly carpeted passageway towards the secluded section of the mansion. But in his current state, the silly and unceasing spats were getting on his nerves.

He came upon the opponents in the hallway that led to his room. Kadambari was standing at the entrance to the hallway and her girth ensured that it was completely blocked.

"I can see him when I wish to," Sumer Singh was saying angrily. "You don't have the right to stop me!"

"I have every right to stop you! Prithvi is tired and he is sleeping," Kadambari declared. "I will not let you disturb him."

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