Eleven → Butterflies

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I caught up with Sherry on whatever gossip she had before making my way over to the cafeteria. The only things I got were two bags of chips and two water bottles.

I wasn't really hungry and I never saw Johnny eat a heavy lunch so I decided that would do. Stuffing them in my bag, I started walking towards the exit doors.

"Sorry." I told whoever I bumped into, to my surprise it was Jonathan. "Ready?"

He nodded and I followed after him, as we exited through the doors and found a spot outside. There wasn't anyone outside so it helped our situation a bit.

"I got you food." I told him as I reached inside my bag and pulled out the chips and drinks. He thanked me and took a sip of his water. "What do you want to be when you grow up, Johnny?"

"That's an odd question to ask during lunch." He chuckled, and looked over at me. "A psychologist, or something in that field."

I nodded and plopped a chip in my mouth. "I kinda want to be a pediatrician, but I don't know." I shrugged, taking a sip from my water.

"Why don't you know?" He questioned, staring off into the parking lot. "We're seniors already. I'm sure you have some sort of plan."

"I mean, it's just the sad parts of it that kinda make me iffy about it, you know?" I shivered a bit, when the cool air hit us. "One day I could be curing a cold for a kid and the next day I'll have to tell a parent that their kid has cancer."

"Well, that's an interesting perspective." He said. "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon, Desi."

"Probably." I gulped, readying myself for the next question. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"I know you were saying to take this slow but it is in two weeks." I watched him tense up a bit, since he knew the question that was coming. "Would you like to go to the Halloween dance with me?"

"Desi," he sighed, "I don't know. I'm sure it'd be a great idea, but I just need to think it through."

"That's okay." I reassured him. "You have two weeks, I won't rush you." He thanked me and continued eating. "I'm just glad that you decided for this."

I could feel my stomach toss and turn a little as I brought up the subject of us. My eyes glanced up at him, as I saw light flush of pink run across his cheeks.

"Me too." He softly said.

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