Deep Dish

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All rights go to original author.


"Okay can you guys wait out here so I can introduce you?" Ally said to Camila, Normani and Calum. They were all standing just outside the choir room, listening to Mr. Payn talk to the Glee Club.

"What?" the boy asked confused.

"When I say 'our newest Glee club members' bring them in okay?" she explained.

"Why do I feel like this is way more complicated than it has to be?" Camila whispered in Normani's ear causing her to chuckle.

"Got it!" Calum exclaimed.

"...and now we'll go to Ally for an announcement!" they heard the teacher say. Ally pranced inside the room and the three of them eavesdropped.

"Alright, as you know Glee isn't very popular-"

"Damn straight it's not," Austin interjected.

"Austin," Ally glared. He just shrugged and smirked while Lauren scowled at him. She really hated that guy.

When the small songstress was sure he'd keep quiet she continued," Now, while I love how tight knit our family had become, we always need more people to add to our wall of sound. So, Calum and I have recruited some prospective candidates and without further ado give it up for our new members...!"

No one came in.

"Uhh are you sure you didn't make these people up...?" Louis asked skeptically.

"Yes Louis I'm sure! Ahem, give it up for our NEW MEMBERS!" she said loudly.

"Oh, now?" Calum's voice questioned. The Glee Club looked at the still empty doorway wondering what was going on outside.

"Yes now!" Camila hissed before the boy was shoved into the room, followed by Camila and Normani. The brunette had her arms crossed and a scowl on her face, which Lauren thought was incredibly hot. What? An angry Camila was a hot Camila...

As soon as they walked in there was an uproar.

"Aw hell to da nah- Cabello?"

"Slutty Camila Cabeho and Know-It-All Kordei?"

"What's going on? Why are so many hot girls joining Glee all of a sudden? Is this some sort of conspiracy? Are we on Punk'd?"

"Hi Normani!" and other random comments. The only one who didn't say anything was Lauren, who smirked when Normani smiled at her and winked when she locked eyes with her girlfriend.

When everyone stopped talking at once people started to throw out their opinions.

"Mr. Payn I will not stand to have Camila in this room! She's mean, bitchy and probably spying on us for coach Demi!" Selena exclaimed.

"Selena!" Liam said, silencing her.

"I agree with her, she's been mean to all of us. Not to mention that both of her exes that full on fought each other till they were black and blue are in too. Don't you think we have enough drama already?" Dinah said.

"See this is what you get for being a bitch," Normani whispered to her friend.

"Whatever, at least I'm being acknowledged."

"I'm sure it will be fine! Austin and Lauren have settled their differences right?" Mr. Payn asked optimistically.

"Eh," Austin shrugged again at the same time Lauren said,

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