20 - Mad Mistletoe

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Peyton decided that she just ‘had to see’ my makeover take place. When the day came, she stayed over my house with a huge smirk on her face. She unnerved me a little as we waited in silence for Ally and Hazel to arrive.

Once they finally did, there was no time for introductions according to them. I politely introduced Peyton as a friend of mine anyway but they just hauled me away into the bathroom without much of a second thought. Both of them were already made up all pretty. Hazel was wearing an aqua blue dress with silver heels while Ally was wearing a similar purple dress also with silver heels. I didn’t even get to compliment them before they started talking above me on what they planned to do with my hair and stuff. 

What happen over the course of the next hour was all a blur. I vaguely recall getting my dirty blonde hair curled and light makeup allied to my face. All the while the girls kept thinking things such as ‘God her hair curls so easily’ or ‘Check out all this natural beauty she has. I wonder why she doesn’t wear more makeup usually’. I remember squeezing myself into a red dress and putting on some strappy black heels.

Neither Hazel nor Ally let me glance at myself in any reflective surface. They were tentative in their work as they talked to keep me distracted from any pain they caused which was quite a lot. I can’t believe some women go through this kind of thing on a daily basis.

After I was all dolled up, Hazel and Ally took a step back to admire their work.

“My god,” Hazel announced as Peyton joined us to see the finished product.

Peyton’s eyes widened slight upon my appearance. “Wow.”

“What?” I asked pushing past them to glance at myself in the nearest mirror. I was shocked at what I saw. “Guys were going to a party not the Emmy Awards!”

“You look hot!” Ally complimented coming over and standing next to me in the mirror. I would admit that I looked well…better than I usually did. Looking like this, I would almost say I could blend in with the crowd at a god party. I turned around and faced Peyton awaiting her response but she only nodded and smiled in approval.

“Logan’s going to flip,” Hazel gushed excitedly. Peyton whipped her head around to stare at her confused.

“Totally,” Ally agreed. “He’s never going to be able to resist kissing you.”

I showed my confusion. “What makes you think he’s going to have the opportunity?”

Hazel sent me a look. “There are going to be mistletoes everywhere. It’s our mission to catch you and Logan underneath one.”

I glanced at both girls. “When you say our…?”

“We mean us and the guys,” Ally smirked evilly. “We’ve never seen you two kiss and sure it’s because ‘you don’t like to in public’ but you’re coming out of your comfort zone tonight Vee whether you like it or not.”

I knew the feeling of worry was showing on my face but the girls just passed it off as worried about them. Really I was worried about Logan. What made the girls think Logan even wanted to kiss me? I sighed and hugged myself for a few moments suddenly thinking this was all a horrible idea.

“Don’t look so negative,” Hazel commanded. “Why don’t you finish getting ready and we’ll meet you out in the living room?”

Hazel and Ally left me and Peyton alone in my bedroom. I looked to her for some advice. She studied me silently with a small smile on her face. “Well?” I finally blurted.

“You look very beautiful,” she complimented while walking over to me. I felt myself blush a little at the comment. It was like getting a compliment from a pretty celebrity but it wasn’t what I wanted her to talk about.

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