You Get Kidnapped

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Suggested by MajesticPsycho, and probably a lot of other people too! Without further ado, I present a virtual cookie and the promise that this'll be a three-part thing! (:::)

Jeff the Killer's Girlfriend~

It was a cozy Saturday morning with nobody but D/N to keep you company.

The weather outside was becoming kinda stormy, which would explain why Jeff couldn't pop by for a visit.

You were sitting in the kitchen, staring down at a mug of hot chocolate. There was a single marshmallow bobbing up and down in it.

But the problem was this; you hadn't put any marshmallows in your hot chocolate.

D/N stared creepily at you from across the table, unsuccessfully willing the mug to levitate closer to his/her greedy little muzzle.

Finally, you reached the conclusion that it must've been BEN and promptly downed the whole thing in a few gulps, marshmallow and all.

Setting down the empty mug with a thunk, you licked your lips and wondered what the odd taste was.

"That damn blonde midget had better not have dropped something metal into my mug..."

BEN popped up from inside the toaster, scaring the life out of poor D/N, who yelped and went running for the hills.

"I did no such thing!" He huffed indignantly.

"Then why did it taste metallic?"

"I dunno!"

Then the little blonde midget tried to pull the rest of himself out of the toaster, only to find that he was stuck.

Because you see, BEN had teleported through the electronics without considering the possibility that it would be an extremely tight fit.

The toaster started hopping around as he went back inside and tried to wiggle the rest of him free from the cable.

You rolled your eyes and began to stand up, but then sank back down with a groan.

"Ugh... Why do I feel so dizzy...?"

A pair of clawed hands snaked over your mouth, preventing you from screaming when you realized there was an intruder.

"Don't worry, Y/N. It's just a sleeping drug, dissolved into a harmless little marshmallow..."

BEN Drowned's Girlfriend~

You sighed and rested your head in your hands, wondering what was taking BEN so long.

He'd promised that he was just paying a quick visit to F/N's house to "borrow" another packet of Doritos.

Unbeknownst to you, the little elf was glitching out like crazy as he frantically tried to free himself from that damn toaster.

But back to the scene at hand, Fluffy had decided to burrow into a heap of cushions and snooze the day away. Which actually had very little to do with the scene at hand, but was too cute not to mention.

Dark Link had graced you with his presence. He was looking for BEN, who'd apparently gotten into a spot of trouble with Slendy. 

The awkward silence was broken when you decided to ask something.

"What exactly did BEN do?"

"Lost a bet with the ghost of my girlfriend's old cat. Paid it off by stealing Slenderman's truck."

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