The Faeyrwynn Prophecy: Prologue

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Author's Note:

Okay, so this is my first wattpad upload EVAR. I told you guys I'd write this month, so here I am! School's out, and I'm ready to write. Here's my little opening scene, then. It's short for a reason, and the absence of background information is intentional.

Oh, and the music to the right is almost always related to the chapter or scene, so play it often (:

Cover was created by the lovely -1812- (:


Cries rang out as my fellow warriors battled around me. Shouts of victory and shrieks of pain echoed in my ears as I wielded my sword warily, scanning my surroundings. Through the trees I could make out glimpses of my enemy, their dark skin blending in with the night.

My eyes darted to the left, to check on Meila. She stood as fierce and menacing as ever, a grim smile on her lips, teeth bared. She was crouched and ready, her arrow drawn tight. Looking over to me, a glimmer of sadness touched her eyes  as the battle drew closer to our spot. 

Meila offered me a half-hearted smile. The breath caught in my throat as her sharp blue eyes cut into me, and just as I was about to smile back a cry sounded not three yards away. I tensed, waiting...

Dark figures stepped out of the shadows, hulking and dangerous. Their elongated claws clicked together as the creatures snarled, advancing closer.

Meila swiftly shot two of them down, releasing two arrows fluidly just before they were able to take another step. The leader, I assumed because he was far larger, looked baffled. He glanced about at his fallen comrades and growled in rage, charging at us at an impossible speed.

I readied my sword, the steel glinting in the dark, preparing to slash him down in the seconds to come.

But instead of feeling my sword pierce his body, I felt something ripping into mine. It tore through my stomach, and it felt like acid was dissolving my insides. I staggered backwards, clutching my stomach and swinging my sword about, still trying to fight. It burned badly, and the acrid smell of cooked flesh was inescapable as my skin sizzled grotesquely.

A fierce cry echoed off the trees, and I turned to my left to see Meila flinging arrow after arrow into my attacker's gruesome figure. She shot something in the trees above his head and out fell an archer, presumably the one that'd shot me.

The last thing I saw was the icy rage that shook her being. Her fists were clenched, and her expression flickered from that of worry and anger. She was not pleased.

Then my vision started to spot over, before it faded to blackness altogether...


A/N: Comments are appreciated, and feel free to give me any and all constructive criticism. I'd appreciate being fanned, but I'd also like to earn it. Click the vote button if you want, and share it with your friends.

(11/30/12): Edited for minor mistakes and syntax. Whew.

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