Chapter 8

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This has to be a dream I thought as I glanced up at Onew who was sitting across from me. I couldn't belive the situation I was thrown into. It was a shock when the other members left me here with Onew. The bigger shock though was that he asked me to have dinner with him.

We ate in an awkward silence, neither one of us knew what to say. I was too nervous to say anything and whenever I glanced over at him it seemed he was too.

Come on Seo-Yun, SAY SOMETHING! I opened my mouth but no words came out. I sighed and went back to eating my food.

We sat there for a while when suddenly I heard a noise. I looked up and smiled, it was Onew, he was humming. I sat there listening to him when suddenly I thought I recognized the song.

"That song..." I was surprised to hear my voice. Onew stopped humming and looked at me, also surprised.

"You know it?" He asked.

"Yeah, its always playing on the radio station at the restaurant. It's called..." I couldn't remember the name of it. "Oh! It's 'Your Name' but I don't remember who sings it."

I started humming the song while Onew just listened smiling at me. "It's my favorite song!" I said smiling back at him.

"You know, I wrote it." Onew said smiling looking down at his plate. I looked at him, shocked. "It's your song? You sing it!" I felt embarrassed for not knowing.

He nodded, "I wrote it for our Lucifer album, which you probably haven't listened to." I looked over at my bag which held that exact album.

"I haven't had time to... I mean... it's not like I haven't wanted to..." My face became beet red and I hid my face in my hands.

I heard Onew laughing, "It's ok, atleast you like my song!" I looked up at his happy face and found myself laughing too.

I felt the atmosphere becomes more relaxed as we talked and finished our meal.

After we were done I helped clean up. "I really enjoyed the food, thank you." I bowed and went to get my things.

"Wait!" Onew called out. I turned around to face him.

"Do you want to hear the song?" He asked nervously.

"Huh?" I wasn't sure what he was asking.

"The song, Your Name, I can play it for you. If you want to." I felt my heart jump. Play, for me!?

I nodded, "I'd love to." Onew smiled, "follow me." I left my bag on a table and happily followed.

We walked into a nearby room which had a beautiful piano in it. Onew walked over and sat down and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"Ready?" Onew looked over at me. I smiled and nodded. He took a deep breath and started to play.

I closed my eyes and listened to Onew's playing and singing. It's the same song I hear on the radio but it sounded so different. So this is an idol.

Onew finished playing and I looked up at him. "That was amazing!" He smiled down at me "I'm glad you liked it."

I felt my heart pound in my chest as we sat there. I started to randomly press the keys to distract my self. "Do you play?" Onew asked.

"No, never learned." I said. Onew put his hand on mine. "I can teach you."

Suddenly we heard the front door open and loud voices calling out. "Hyung! We're home!" We quickly got up as they entered the room.

"Hey hyun-" they froze when they saw us. "Did we interrupt something?" Key asked.

Embarrassed I rushed out the room. I went to get my bag but bumped the table. My bag hit the ground and everything inside fell out.

Humpty Dumpty strikes again! My hands shook as I tried to pick up everything.

"Are you ok?" Onew began to help me.

"I'm fine." I stuffed everything in my bag and ran out the door. I got on my scooter and drove straight home my heart still racing.

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