13 | "Nothing."

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Unlike I suspected, this year Erudite initiation wasn't too much about studying or working for things, it was all about having logic in tough situations, so simulation serums kept flowing through my veins no matter how hard I tried to stop them. Drink after drink of liquids similar to my aptitude test made their way into my brain and I tried my best to hide my Divergence.
Jeanine thinks my aptitude was Abnegation, so I tried to act Abnegation at all times, but sometimes Erudite at the same time, as if I was trying to change. But I could tell my Dauntless character began to seep its way through into my actions.
Right now it's the day after I named The Insurgent, and I haven't managed to get back so far, but I promised I would. I'm going to have to find a way to get to her.
As lunch approaches, I go up to Jeanine sitting with some of her Erudite friends at a cafeteria table. 
"What are we doing after lunch?" I question, completely ignoring the fact she was in the middle of a conversation.
"What makes you think you can talk to me?" She replies, twisting around in her chair and looking me up and down.
"Well, having 'intellect' does get you somewhere, doesn't it?" I retort.
"Just answer my question."
"Fine," she rolls her eyes, "another simulation test." At the way she looks at me, it feels like she knows, like she knows all my secrets I haven't dared to even tell some of my family.
Trying to not act bothered, I press further, "And then?"
"Free time. Like every afternoon. Not memorised the schedule?"
"I don't need a schedule, I've got you to remind me."
"Anything wrong? With the simulations, I mean." No. She can't have figured me out.
"Nothing." I snap.
"Are you sure? Nothing wrong at all?"
"Are you deaf?" I fume, just wanting this conversation to be over. "I said, nothing." With that I twist on my heel and stride off.
"What have you got yourself into now? You know, you were certainly made for Dauntless, but you're so good at all these simulations and you're obviously Abnegation. Oh my God," she whispers, and I know now that she's figured it out. I silently thank that we're on a table away from everyone else. "What Factions are you?" she whispers.
"Erudite, Dauntless and Abnegation," I murmur.
"Three?" she whisper-shouts. "That's pretty much unheard of! I'm Dauntless and Erudite. I don't see how, I mean, I'm not brave."
"You obviously are, you just haven't had a chance to show it yet."
"Yeah, well... Anyway, you were going to chose Dauntless, right?" I nod. "There's only been one Abnegation transfer to Dauntless before. Tobias Eaton. You might've known him. He's a Dauntless prodigy with a record of only four fears. There's rumours going round he left because his dad abused him, but we don't know."
"I don't think I know him." I rack my brain but can't find anything. "Later, after the simulations, I've got to show you something."


All the simulations have finished, and there's no doubt Victoria and Tris are Divergent. But I don't see how- Tris is just so good at hiding it. She knows how to think like an Erudite, a Dauntless, an Abnegation. She could even be Amity or Candor if she tried.
It's astounding, even by my standards.
And that's what scares me.
I see Tris leading Victoria down corridors, looking about for people, before taking her down one where the CCTV ends.  I curse under my breath, and get Matthew, my assistant, to watch the camera's footage while I go and look for them.
I follow the exact corridors they went down, wondering where on Earth they would've gone to. Slightly worried at the fact these are two Divergents, they could do anything and I wouldn't be able to stop them.
Startlingly loud, a cheer erupts from the end of the corridor they went through before the cameras cut off. I carry on until my eyes meet a sight I never thought I'd see.
Anger starts to bubble up inside me and I feel my fists clench in rage.
People from all five Factions buzz around in this world of betrayal and disloyalty to the Faction System. My eyes travel upwards to see Tris talking to Tobias Eaton? Of all people. Victoria is trailing behind her, looking awkward.
I always new I should steer clear of them.
"Welcome," she starts, automatically getting everyone's attention. "Now, we start the planning of this rebellion."
I almost scream.
I have to stop this, whatever it takes.

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