Harsh Reality

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The facility they were taken to felt alive compared to Sokovia. There was always people moving about, laughing and talking lightly, as if there was no care in the world. Yet, it was SHIELD. They were responsible for protecting people, how come they could feel lighthearted when Nadia couldn't?

Nadia looked around the plain room glumly. When she first arrived, they gave her a room to share with Roman, which was fine, but she missed her own room. At the moment, Roman was being questioned and the twins were being medically evaluated, leaving Nadia alone to her thoughts. It amazed her to think about how much had changed in a month.

She got mixed up in a world of superheros and politics, then lost her home. If someone had told her a month ago that all this would happen, she'd call them crazy.

Nadia heard two people outside her room conversing casually, but it saddened her because she couldn't understand what they were saying. It only served to remind her that she was far from home. At least she was safe, but she felt lost.

Nadia heard someone outside her room and looked up to the door to see Pietro enter.

"How are you doing? How's your sister?" She asked.

Pietro bowed his head. "They have their best doctors on it. They think they know what's wrong, but don't know how to fix it. Natasha said it's a toxin in her blood that they don't know how to counteract."


"Black widow," Pietro clarified.

"But are you okay, Pietro?" Nadia inquired.

Pietro paced in front of Nadia, who was sitting on her bed. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"No, not really. I thought that once I found my sister, everything would go back to normal, you know? I thought everything would sort itself, but now I have even more questions than before."

Nadia nodded in acknowledgement, expecting him to continue on.

"My sister is part comatose right now, I have a voice running through my head and apparently I came back from the dead. Nothing is okay right now," he added.

"Did you tell them about the voice?"

"No. Not yet, at least. I think that it'll cause them to panic and it'll only grow suspicion. I haven't told anyone else this, but Wanda had said the same word that I keep hearing in my head: powerless. It's not a coincidence."

Nadia looked on in surprise, but regained her composure quickly. "That definitely isn't a coincidence, you need to tell them soon, Pietro."

He sighed, but nodded in affirmation, then sat down next to Nadia on the bed.

"I think that if we figure this all out, I'm going on vacation for a month," he said as lighthearted as he could be in the moment.

"I don't know what I'm going to do when this is all over, honestly. I had my life all planned out: finish university, become a doctor and live peacefully. Maybe I can do that here in America, but it's sad for me to think that I can't go back. Sokovia may not have been the best place to live, but it was home." Nadia paused, and leaned against Pietro.

"We're traitors there now. If I were to contact my parents or even Alyona, I'd be putting their lives in danger."

Pietro closed his eyes momentarily and breathed in. He had not meant to, but he had inadvertently ruined her life; taken it away from her.

"Nadia, I had never meant for you to get involved in this, I'm sorry."

"Of course you hadn't, you had no way of knowing. Besides, it's not like it's been all bad; I got to help a superhero save another superhero. How many people can say that?

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