Dengal Kiss

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Today was Damán's 16th birthday - though according to his Instagram bio he'd been 16 for 6 months now. Grahám had tried to ask him about this but he just replied with something about being age coming from within...

So in order to celebrate him becoming officially 16, Damán was having a house party. Much to his parents dismay.

Everyone in the year was invited and Bengal had given him a special birthday discount on the weed.

But Damán had planned for something bigger to happen at this party of his. He was going to declare his love to Bengal. He had told Grahám that he planned to serenade him by singing Stop In The Name Of Bengal. Grahám agreed to play guitar to accompany Damán's interesting voice but made Dave-Rose sew him a balaclava and picked out his shadiest shades.

Within an hour of the party starting everyone was positively baked, roasted, fried, poached, scrambled, smoked, stoned, hammered, smashed, wankered, fucked, shitfaced, pissed. So far Damán had played it cool around Bengal. Apart from when Up All Night by 1D came on and he let out a high pitched squeal before realising the he wasn't alone in his bedroom and ran to change the song.

But when the clock struck midnight Damán took to the stage (not unlike in Cinderella due to the long blue dress he was now sporting). Grahám slowly followed, almost tripping over the guitar lead as his shades were practically opaque. Damán cleared his throat and then produced a small pistol from his bra and fired it into the air. All eyes were on Damán now, this was the cue to begin.

"This is a song for someone who I have become very close to this year. And I just want him to know that I love him."
Damán got in to his starting position.

"Stop in the name of Bengal
Before you break my heart"

Bengal Bengal, I'm aware of where you go
Each time you leave my door
I watch you walk down the street
Knowing your other love you'll meet

But this time before you run to her
Leaving me alone and hurt
Think it over
Haven't I been good to you?
Think it over
Haven't I been sweet to you?

Stop in the name of Bengal
Before you break my heart
Stop in the name of Bengal
Before you break my heart
Think it over
Think it over"
For some reason his singing voice seemed to be in a range of accents; from Indian, to Scottish, to Italian and a hint of Russian. He swayed from side to side seductively, occasionally slut dropping to the audience's delight. Finishing off the song with a hand grab before jumping in to the crowd in an attempt to stage dive. You can imagine how that panned out.

As Damán lay in a heap on the floor, he felt a hand pulling him up on to his feet. He instantly recognised the smooth but firm hand to be Bengal's. Before he knew it he was on his feet and had Bengal's lips pressed against his. He wrapped his arms around him with a great sense of relief. The crowd then started to shout "We want tongue! We want tongue!" repeatedly in unison. And without a word, in it went.

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