7) The Blurting

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(Issac is played by Brant daugherty)

I was humming as usual while I made my way down the hallway towards my friends. I caught sight of Issac and threw him a smile.

"Hey! Lunch today right?" I asked.

"You can count on it." He grinned.

I smiled and kept walking. Once I reached my friends I greeted them.

"Oh, so Cam we're going shopping this weekend. Want to join?" I asked.

"Well Kian is visiting me this weekend but, I'll ask if he wants to join."

"Oh right! Well I want to meet him!" She laughed and nodded her head.

"So Where's Maya?" Drew asked.

"I dropped her off earlier. She's driving her brother. "

"Ah I see. "

The bell finally rung and we all headed to class.

"So Maya tells me you and Mr.bad boy hit it off. "

"We're just friends. " I groan.

Just as I said that we walked passed Daren, "Hey cupcake." He winked.

"Just friends eh?" Drew nudged me.

"I can't hear you!" I covered my ears and started making random loud noises.

"Such a child." I heard him laugh.

Once we reached class we got straight to work. I did not need to fail this class. It was yearbook and any little thing you did could get you an F.

D- hey cupcake, free tonight?

L- depends

D- well I was thinking maybe we could talk more...

L- alright sure

D- maybe Netflix and chill after ;)

L- you know what I'm busy srry

D- oh come on I was joking.

Yeah right, he's probably trying to get into my pants. Like that'll happen.

D- hey come on, I'm not like that...okay maybe I am but not to you.

L- whatever I don't care, I actually am busy tonight. I had just forgotten.

No I didn't.

D- oh right the charity Gala.

Oh snap that's tonight?! I had totally forgotten. Shoot I didn't get a dress. I need to go! Like now! Moms gonna be pissed.

"Hey Drew I'll see you latter, I gotta bounce. " I patted his back and walked out of class before the bell rang.

I walked out of school and towards my car.

"Hey Lena! Where are you going?" Issac questioned.

"Oh I have to go shopping. "

He laughed. "You don't seem like the type. "

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