A Worthy Adversary

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 Gabel reeked of Platinum's perfume that night. I didn't think he had touched her. Perhaps he had. I hadn't felt it if he had. Maybe she had just touched him.

Maybe he had tried to touch her and found the Bond wouldn't let him... cooperate.

I indulged silent laughter. I was sure he felt that.

Ah, that would be priceless. The wolf who told me he didn't believe in dalliances having a dalliance just to test himself against the holy Bond, to find he wasn't as powerful as he thought. I liked the cruel thought, although I didn't like myself much for my enjoyment of it.

That Bond worked both ways. I didn't want Gabel to turn me cruel and harsh, but I had to survive.

He didn't say a word to me. Not a single word.


Breakfast was more subdued than usual, as was the next night's dinner. Platinum seemed extremely put out. She sat in her usual spot with her usual friends, glaring at me and pouting at Gabel.

Hix gave her a baleful look that made her look down at her eggs.

Gabel asked me to look at Alpha Anders again.

"I doubt much has changed." I told him, annoyed he would treat me like a security camera. It didn't work that way.

"No?" he asked.

"If visions are going to be so subject to change that a simple encounter can change the determined outcome of events, the Eye is closed." I told him. "Outcomes are normally the result of many previous choices, and it is rare that one simple, trivial action will change them."

He paced from his windows overlooking the training ground and stood right before me.

I bit my tongue. The Bond squirmed, whispering to me its pleasure at Gabel being so close. The sore Mark, still bruised, throbbed. If he had been humbled, and learned his power as a mortal only went so far... could I forgive him? Was there any hope left between us?

"It is never so simple, Alpha Gabel." I repeated. "If the Moon thought one small encounter could change everything, She would have shown me nothing. Summoning Anders here for a little chat and to parade your warriors in front of him is nothing of consequence. It is as if you went out into the woods and marked a tree. Eventually it might lead to something, but not instantly."

Gabel jerked his head to the side, his gaze going back to the window. His strong jaw ticked as his muscles clenched.

"Anders is entrenched to whatever path he has chosen." I added. I feared if Gabel would charge off and do something that would get people hurt. "One or two sweeping actions from you will not change it. In fact, whatever you are planning right now might already have been anticipated in what I saw."

"Meaning the Moon foresaw me attacking Anders and it changes nothing." Gabel focused on me with frightening brightness in his eyes.

I gulped, swallowed. The Bond squirmed at his attention, but my good sense advised me to be afraid. "Yes."

"And what use are your powers, then, Oracle, if they do not show me what I can change?" he hissed.

"You criticize the Moon? She is not your servant. She humors your inquiry. Obviously the situation with Anders is requires more than a blunt object and roar of fury."

Gabel snorted, annoyed.

"Why does Anders upset you?"

"I suspect he is disloyal. I suspect he moves against me."

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