You Stand Out

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They laugh at your stuttered talk,

tease your awkward walk.

They grimace when they gaze

at the hideous scar upon your face.

You always cry yourself to sleep,

their words hurt and make you weep.

For your helpless mind cannot fathom,

why you're shunned, rejected and alone.

But you try, this the heavens know,

to make friends and join life's flow.

Your words falter yet your smile glow,

hoping they'll be able to reach

what lies beyond your sputtered speech.

Alas, all you get is mindless hate,

pain caused by their loud, revolted screech.

"Freak!" they say, "Only death can accept your ugly face!"

But, dear child, I beg you not to listen;

there's no need for you to fit in.

You're different, eternally unique;

a work of beauty and pure grace.

Never forget, you're God's masterpiece.

Sweet child, hear the silent voice that pleads:

Listen not to their foul mouths,

'cause in His loving eyes, you stand out.


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