I Plead the Fifth!

72 2 0

What is your alias?

human name? Brooklyn Tyler Mackay!  

  Why did you come to Earth?  

Classified, but the mission might be scrubbed because of the  overrun of boy bands and their followers. The Beavers and Directional Officers and what not.

If you could be in charge of the production of anything, which would you choose and what would you change? (And you better not say milk because I don't want you giving the poor milk people any ideas!)

Tv, no more BS reality tv. 

Which kind of shovel do you prefer?

A trenching shovel to help get rid of those ‘unwanted’ things. 

What is your most-liked insect preference?

Dragonflies! They're fucking dragons!  

What would you do if someone gave you the keys to a creepy abandoned mansion for one night?

Halloween style house party and I would charge for people to get in.

Which is really better: loved and lost or never loved?

Um...I guess loved and lost.  

Which sport are you least excelled at?

All of them. lol But I guess the worst would have to be Golf or Tennis. I don't think I could make it through a whole game of golf and tennis, every time I've tried to play I've been hit with the ball.  

What has been your biggest accomplishment on Wattpad so far?  

My biggest accomplishment is spreading the creed of my people. "Be Random and Be Merry!" Also that I have spread the word that Milk is evil!

Name five sounds that drive you bonkers.

1)BrrrooooooklyyynnnnnnnnN! (mom calling me when I’m doing something) 2)Beop (sound my computer makes when the battery dies) 3) ABITHIWTITB, TRAM, TMTOWTDI, ABITHIWTITB, SSEWBA, & AAAAA! XXCC!! (people talking in acronyms  AKA text talking) 4) crying 5) People complaining about the stuff I’ve done.

Hey guess what? I watered my dead Basil plants and now they're alive again! What do you think of THAT?


 What was the worst story you've ever read on this site?

I rather not say. But there are some that I question if they even knew what language they are writing in.

If you could be a tree with branches that can smack people, where would you want to be planted?

In a wagon, I got to keep mobile. There are people everywhere who need a good smack.  

What is your ideal work environment?

One where you don't have to deal with any other people, no costumers or co-workers. You do you work with no one saying a word to you and then you go home or wherever.  

Ever ate a worm before?

Not that I'm aware of, but I did read a book called "How to eat fried worms" when I was in like the 5th or 6th grade.  

If you could change your birth order, would you do it? Or do you like being a firstborn?

I don't really care for being the oldest, but it beats being where the others are at.  

Weekly Randoms Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now