Chapter 16

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Bella P.O.V

Edward looks at me as if I gone mad. He looks around, taking me to the basement, a place where no one goes to, and a secure place to talk here. We walk down, hands joined together. He turns a lantern on, and looks at me. "Bella, what's wrong?"

I sigh. "My father signed a contract with Jacob Black, in order for me to marry him and give him a son."

Edward frowns. "I thought your father promised your mother he would never do such thing."

I nod, walking around. "Yes, yes, he did. He promised my mother that no matter what, he would never let this happen. He keeps on insisting that he had no other choice, he owes your father and Jacob, and if we don't... Well, if I don't marry him, we'll loose everything, Edward." I walk to him, wrapping my arms around him. "I don't want to marry Jacob."

He rubs my back, placing gentle kisses on my head. "No, you won't. I won't let that happen." He pulls away, taking my face between his hands. "Let me talk to my father and your father, maybe there's a way to make the situation better and he'll change his mind."

I shake my head. "Edward, it's too late. The party tonight is for Jacob asking me for marriage." He sighs, kissing my forehead. "Please, let's run."

He shakes his head. "We can't run, Bella, you can't leave your family." He looks at me in the eyes and says, "Say no, okay? Keep on saying no, no matter if Jacob insists on it, continue to say no. That'll buy me time to talk to your father and mine and we can find a solution, okay?"

I sigh, looking away. Jacob won't stop insisting. He wants a bride, he wants a son, he wants the perfect family but he knows deep down that he won't get that from me, not unless he makes me. This is the way. If I continue to say no, that'll make him more mad for me. But we need time, that's what we need in order for Edward to talk to both of our father's, convince mine that there's other ways out other than making me marry someone I don't want to marry.

"I promise no one will make you do anything you don't want," he promises. "As long as I'm here, you're not going to marry that bastard."

We can't think everything is going to workout, something is going to go wrong and I can't help but to feel scared. "Edward, there's still a possibility that my father won't accept, even when he doesn't want this to happen he still needs to pay his part of the contract to Jacob."

Edward looks at me in the eyes, a small dash of fear reflect in them but also determination and fury. The words he spoke that night we saw each other again reply in my mind. He's never letting go, and that means he isn't going to let this wedding happen. He takes a deep breath and says, "If it doesn't work, then we run. I'm not going to lose you, again."

He pulls me into a tight hug, placing gentle kisses on my head. No, he's not. If I had the chance to run with him, I would but I can't help but to feel scared. Scared that I won't have the chance to see my family ever again. Play fencing with my brother, having long talks with Alice, have nice tea visits with Rosalie and spend time with little Emily. Never see my father again. It doesn't have to be that way, does it? It only depends on what happens the next following days.

~~~~ Later That Night ~~~~

I hold on tight to the wall as Nana keeps on tightening my corset, each pull is harder and harder. I don't know how much of these corsets I can take. I around the room, trying to concentrate on something else other than my breath being yanked away.

Nina is standing beside my mirror, admiring around. She's never been in my room, this is the first time Nana ever let's her, she's always keeping an eye on her. I see her admire the jewelry my father passed down to me, jewelry that belonged to my mother.

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