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Natie yawned as she awoke from her sleep. It was a nice, July morning. Birds were chirping outside and the Sun was shining in through the window. The little Russian smiled as she stretched out of bed, grabbed her favorite stuffed rabbit, and then made her way downstairs. She walked into the kitchen to find the Baltics states working in the kitchen. Natie expected to find her Father sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast and waiting for her to come down but found his seat empty.

As soon as the child walked into the kitchen, the three nations stopped working to greet her. "Good morning Natie," All three of them greeted at the same time

"Good morning," Natie greeted back.

"Breakfast will be ready shortly," Lithuania informed her. "You're probably very hungry right?"

Food was the farthest thing from Natie's mind at the moment. She just wanted to know where her Father was. "Where's Otets?" she asked, looking around the room to see if he was around. "Is he still sleeping?"

All three of the men bit their lips as if they knew something that Natie didn't. She raised an eyebrow in confusion as she waited for an answer. "Mr. Russia is, a, very busy," Estonia said.

"Doing what?" Natie followed up.

"Um, some very important stuff," Latvia answered. "In fact, he's so busy that he locked himself in his office to get his work done."

Natie looked at the three Baltic countries in confusion after hearing that. That doesn't sound like something Otets would do, Natie thought. Even if he's really busy, Otets wouldn't lock himself in his office. I should probably go and check on him.

After breakfast, Natie went upstairs to her Dad's office. Before she was able to knock on the door, Natie heard something that she had never heard in the office before; crying. She had never heard her Dad cry, except when he was begging Belarus to leave him alone. Why is Otets crying?

Leaning against the door, she listened to her Dad as he cried; "I'm sorry," he hiccupped. He sounded like he had been drinking Vodka because his voice sounded all strange when he cried. "Please...forgive me Czar Nicolas Romanov...I did not mean for things to happen the way they did."

Czar Nicolas? Who's that?

"I did not mean for..." Russia then just sobbed uncontrollably from the sound of it. From the sobbing, one name kept popping up: "Anastasia."

After a while, the crying stopped and Natie believed that that meant Russia was asleep. Still, that did not stop her from wondering. "Anastasia?" Natie whispered. "That's my middle name. Otets named me after this Anastasia. But who she? Is she related to this Czar Nicolas?" The young Russian sighed as she fixed the scarf around her neck and then marched to the room full of Russia's old journals. She was going to find out what was going on one way or another.


All that afternoon, Natie rummaged through the journals until she found something about Anastasia. If what was written was correct, Natie learned that Anastasia was a duchess and the daughter of Czar Nicholas. She was around a few years before Natie was born and her family was the last of the Czar and were thrown out of power. Then..."Where the pages?" Natie wondered. Then she noticed that they had been ripped out of the book. The journal continues where Russia talks about how he adopted Natie so a large portion was taken out.

"Why would Otets rip out the pages?" Natie sighed and then went to place the book back onto the bookshelf. As she did, a photo drifted out from the book and landed on the floor. Curious, Natie picked it up and was shocked at what was on the picture; it looked to be an image of Russia and a girl about Natie's age. They both were smiling in the picture and at the bottom of the photo was something written in ink; Anastasia and Ivan, 1908.

"So this is Anastasia," Natie looked at the young girl and smiled. "She's very pretty. But, what happened to her?"

That's when a cold chill ran down Natie's spine. It was a chill Natie had never felt before, which made her a bit frightened. She looked around to see where the chill had come from and was shocked when she found what was behind her: it looked to be a young woman, maybe 17 or 18 years old, that was somewhat see-through.

Natie quickly ran to hide behind the bookshelf but then peaked her head around the corner to see what the spirit would do. It just looked down at the photo that Natie had dropped. "Ivan," the spirit muttered in a way that sounded like it hadn't used its voice in a long time.

"Y-You know Otets?" Natie asked with wide eye. Then she compared the ghost to Anastasia in the picture and saw how they were very similar. "Are you...Anastasia?"

The ghost nodded as she looked up at Natie. "Ivan," she repeated. "Tell's not his fault...and that...I miss him."

Even though Natie wanted to ask Anastasia what had happened to her, she also knew that asking at this point would be pointless. Natie knew that Anastasia died and that Russia was blaming himself for her death. It would be rude to ask anyway. "Okay," Natie nodded. "I will."

A smile formed on Anastasia's face as she began to glow and then disappear in a flash of light.


Natie once again found herself standing outside her Father's office. She sighed as she slowly knocked on the door. Please open up Otets, Natie repeated in her head until she heard the lock click open.

The door slowly opened to reveal Russia on the other side. He tried to hide the fact that he was crying but Natie knew. "Privet my little sunflower," Russia greeted with a fake smile. "Is there something you need?"

The young girl glanced down at her feet and then at her Father. She was debating whether or not to tell her Father what Anastasia had said but she knew that he needed to know in order to get some peace; "Otets..." She breathed. The rest of her words were rushed; "Anastasia wants you to know that it's not your fault! And that she misses you."

Russia didn't say a word. His bangs covered his violet eyes and Natie wasn't sure what his reaction would be. Then, a single tear slid down his cheek. He got down on his knees and then pulled Natie into a strong embrace as he sobbed. Natie cried with her Father, nestling her face into his scarf. "I know it hurts Otets, but things will get better. Please don't cry anymore."

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