Sunset Drive

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I'm really appreciating the love guys (: 

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I pulled into Maurice's right behind Tyler.  He had Jamie and George in his car. George wasn't going to come but I made him. I kind of wanted him around, I don't really know why, but I did. I had Connor and his mate in the car. Of course I had to go pick her up. I mean I like Megan and all, but sometimes she's a whiny bitch like right now. 

"Babbbbby, are we going to stay long?" She whined into Connor's ear. 

I think even he was sick of her shit, because he stayed in the passenger seat and made her sit in the back. By herself. It took all I had for me not to burst out laughing. But it didn't stop her from leaning forward and driving me insane.

"I'm not sure." Connor answered dryly.

Yeah, he's pissed. I mean I know he loves her.  He's told me before that she's different when they're alone, but that doesn't really help anybody else. I parked next to Tyler and got out of the car.

The faint smell of vanilla and sugar cookies hit me. I felt my heart beat quicken. My wolf was going crazy. I must have spunn around 10 times scanning the area searching for her.

"Dude are you alright?" Tyler asked looking concerned.

"No she's or here... Or atleast she was." I said outloud, but really I was just thinking outloud.

"Your mate was here?" Connor asked letting go of Megan and walking over towards us.

"Yeah." I mumbled, trying to figure out where she could have went.

"Let's go ask Maurice if he's seen her." Jamie said, grabbing Tyler's hand and leading the way. 

See, this is why I liked Jamie. She was helpful.

I walked into Maurice's and the sent was a little bit stronger but barely.

"Ahh, if it isn't my favorite trouble makers." Maurice said, walking out from behind the bar.

"Hey Maurice." Jamie said, being the first to reach him.

I scanned around the room, she wasn't here. My heart felt like it dropped into the pit of my stomach. My wolf was whimpering.

"We were close buddy." I said trying to calm down. I felt my wolf retreat to the back of my mind. If I don't find my mate soon, I don't know what's going to happen.

"Jake, dude ." Connor practically was yelling in my face waving his hands in the air .

"Huh? What?" I asked. I wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on around me. I was too focused on my mate.

"Geez dude." Tyler said. They were all staring at me. Even Maurice.

"Maurice, did a blonde haired girl with blue eyes come in here?" I asked, hoping he'd seen her. Her scent was here.

Maurice chuckled. " If I had a nickle for every blonde that came in here I'd have three bars."

I sighed. "Her scent is here. Think of every blonde you saw today."

He leaned back on the bar, he looked deep in thought. I was glad he was taking me seriously.

"Babbbbbby I want a soda. I'm thirsty." Megan whined.

"What do you want?" Connor replied, not looking amused.

"Sprite." She said, smiling at him.

"Maurice can I have a sprite?" Connor said, whike stepping closer to the bar.

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