13. The Spiteful Chant

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So the rave was a complete disaster, as if knowing that Scott had been attacked by Victoria Argent wasn't bad enough the kanima had also escaped. Scott was fine after Derek had saved him, although Derek had yet to tell me what he did to save him but I wasn't going to badger him with questions. He saved Scott, that's all that matters.

Anyways onto Jackson, being the kanima and knowing it had seem to unlock that barrier in his head and now it seemed that the kanima was in full control most of the time. During the week he had seemed to be on autopilot, although there were those moments that he did seem to snap back. They were small, but I could tell he would come back by the scared look in his eyes. Charlie and Derek both constantly reminded me to stay away from him, kanima or not he wasn't safe. After that night I had to agree although it pained me.

Anyways, as if the rave night couldn't get anymore terrifying during my ride home with Matt he had stopped at a gas station. Me being the ever curious person I grabbed his camera and searched through the camera roll. I regretted it entirely, the majority of his camera roll was pictures of me, some at school or at home. Stiles had been right about him, he was creepy.

I decided to stay away from him after that, dodging every attempt he tried to grab my attention. Also telling anyone about my recent discovery was definitely not gonna happen, there was too much going on as is.

The full moon was quickly coming up and with 3 new betas, Jackson the killer kanima, and Lydia's birthday party there was certainly a lot to worry about.

Especially since the pit in my stomach was back.


"You never did tell me how your date went?" Derek asked me, once again his long fingers gently ran themselves through my hair and onto the soft skin of my bare back.

I lifted my chin from his naked chest and smirked," Derek why the sudden curiosity?"

"Tonight's Lydia's party right? You'll be there and he will be, just want to know wether I should be chaining myself down tonight?" He answers causally. His expression entirely neutral although those green eyes always seemed to betray him.

I pursed my lips when I answered," Derek Hale are you jealous?"

"Just answer the damn question Imelda Drake," he says seriously, giving me a no bullshit look.

I rolled my eyes," always so pissy! It went about as good as it could have considering I spent the equivalent of 30 minutes with the boy. We kissed but it really doesn't matter since I kissed about 3 other people as well so... and you know there is that bit about him being a creepy stalker."

That last part was rushed, words jumbled up in a weak attempt at confusing Derek although that certainly did not work out. His head lifted from the make shift pillow made out of my sweater and looked at me.

"What the hell did you say at the end?" He questions.

"Chill out!" I said," so the kid took a couple of really creepy pictures of me but I'm dealing with it! Haven't talked to him since then and I plan on at the very last confronting him about it tonight. Nothing to get your little werewolf butt in a twist Derek."

"Why do you not sound all that pissed about the photos? Are you flattered?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes, "okay that's bullshit and you know it. I'm not pissed because I know I can take him if he tried anything funny. Flattered is the last thing I would say, Also, there's the fact that I'm here with you. I love you, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Now will you help me find my underwear before Isaac and Boyd get down here for a free show."

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