Chapter 17: Help

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Annabeth's POV

I wake up to the sound of jingling bells.

Percy is still asleep. I scoot over to the white parachute and open a metal container. It's filled with an ointment. A note falls out.

With love, Aphrodite


I turn around and see that Percy is awake.

"This came earlier. It's from Aphrodite."

Percy gives me a knowing smile and walks over to where I am.

"Lay back down and I'll put some on your arm."

I do what he says and Percy gently applies the cream. I wince when it touches my arm, but it soothes the pain.

"Feel better?" He asks.

"Yes. Thank you."

We're back to stage one, awkward and stiff.

"Should we look for your friend today?" He asks.

I almost forgot about Piper and I immediately feel bad.

"Probably. I would hate for her to be all alone."

"Well, there was that boy who was running next to her. Maybe they hit it off."

I laugh at Percy and he laughs back. It feels natural. I look down at my arm and see that it has almost completely healed. Percy is gathering our supplies.

"Here, drink some water. I collected some yesterday."

I drink some, surprised at how thirsty I am.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm ready. We should come back here tonight, though. It's a safe place."

"I agree."

We head out of the comfortable cave and into the bright and dangerous world.

I scan right and Percy scans left. No sign of anyone. We cautiously exit the cave. Still no one.

"Which way do you want I to go?" Percy asks me.

"I don't care. Let's try left."

"Left it is."

We walk quickly together, listening for noises. My stomach is growling, but I try to hide my hunger. I don't want Percy to worry about me.

Leaves crackle to our right. Percy grips his sword and I pull out a knife. A boy emerges through the trees. He instantly sees us and holds up his sword.

"Michael?" I ask, astonished. It's the other tribute from Athena.

"Stay away, or you will die," he says, not so threateningly.

"I don't think so," Percy says, brandishing his blade. "What do you want, Mike?"

"It's Michael," I whisper to him.

"Right. What do you want Michael?"

His gray eyes scan both ways, as if looking for an exit. Or someone...

"Percy, duck!" I shout.

Percy crouches right when a knife  shoots through the air. It hits a tree next to Michael.

From the shadows a girl comes out. I remember her being a daughter of Hephaestus in the parade.

She flies another knife at us, which I somehow grab midair. I aim and throw it back towards her.

"Claire!" Michael waves his arms frantically. "Annabeth's left arm is weaker! Aim there!"

Claire grins and throws another knife at me. Percy deflects it at the last minute.

"Try another one. I dare you," Percy says.

Claire scowls at him and lifts another knife. I see movement in the corner of my eye. I turn and see Michael throwing his sword at Percy's back.

My feet think before my brain does. The next thing I know, I'm between Percy and the sword. I clutch my dagger and swing at the sword.

The sword's blade slices my previous wound on my left arm. It burns like fire. I clench my teeth and fight through the pain.

The sword clatters to the ground. I turn my head to Michael, who turns pale. He runs into the woods. I grab one of Claire's fallen knives and sprint after him.

I catch up with Michael in no time. I grab the back of his shirt and force him to the ground. His gray eyes are wild.


"You tried to kill Percy," I say. I realize that it isn't much of a reason to murder this boy.

"We have the same mother. We're siblings, you wouldn't kill me."

I swallow hard.

"You're not my brother. I won't have any guilt over this."

I plunge the knife into his chest. His eyes fade instantly. I wipe the blade off and I stand up. I immediately collapse again.

I just killed someone innocent. I just murdered an innocent. I'm a killer.

I don't even register it when Percy comes next to me. He takes in the scene and wraps his arms around me.

"Shh, it's okay," he whispers to me.

Even though everything isn't okay, I nod and bury my head into his shoulders. The tears don't come, but my heart beats one word.


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