Chapter 36: Wedding Day/ Happy ever after Part 1

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Chris P.O.V.

Getting out the shower i throw on a white t-shirt and some grey sweat pants. Walking down stairs i garb my phone and got in the car with rihanna. 

Rihanna: Take you long enough

Chris: Shut Up...

Rihanna: You ready 

Chris: Yeah..

Driving to the church i walk in the backway moment i walk in i was grab by the arm by my soon to be mother-in-law. And was drag into the back room with rihanna behind me. Letting me go she turn around and give me a serious look

Sandi: Chris...

Chris: What is it?

Drake P.O.V.

Laying on the couch at Nicki house i start texting Kid asking him to check on Chris for me..since i can't get to see him until we get to the church. Texting him i heard Nicki walking downstairs 

Nicki: Why are you still sitting there for? You getting marry today you know that right?

Drake: Yes I know i getting marry today

Nicki: Then why are still sitting there?!

Drake: Cause i'm chilling...

Nicki: You need stop chilling and start getting ready to go to the church 

Drake: I am...gosh..

Getting up i walk into Nicki guest room and took a shower and got dress. Walking down the stairs i grab my phone and start watching TV. Only to hear Nicki coming from out the kitchen. 

Nicki: Why are you still sitting there

Drake: Bitch i just got out the shower

Nicki: Ugg! Hurry up we have to be at the church in 2 hours 

Drake: I know...

Nicki: Then get your light-skin ass up then.

Drake: Look Onika..

Nicki: Look Aubrey...

Drake: You getting on my nerves

Nicki: You are to...

Drake: I know i'm getting marry today and like i said before i just get my nerves under control.

Nicki: I know you nerves..i nerves to

Drake: For what? You not getting marry

Nicki: I know. It just that i happy that my best friend is getting marry...

Drake: Yeah. I never though that i would get marry...

Nicki: Me Either!! 

Later On...

Walking in the church i walk toward the back to the dressing room with Nicki. Walking in i saw the  tuxedo i will be wearing. Sitting on the chair in the room i text rihanna to see if Chris was here yet.

After 5 minutes she reply back....Look Nigga you better check your daddy before mix up your wedding!!

Text Conservation

Drake: What are you talking about??

Rihanna: Like i said before check your dad before he mix up your  damn wedding. 

Existing out my messages i call my dad about 50 times but getting tried of waiting for him to answer i call my mom.

Phone Conservation

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