Chapter 20

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Peter Pan's POV

"Oh don't you remember? This is the cliff where we had our first kiss." Wendy said with a little smirk. God, how did I forget?! All I remember was that the kiss Wendy and I shared was on some cliff, but I didn't think it was this one. There are a bunch of cliffs in Neverland, and it just had to be this one.

"What do you want Wendy." I asked, provoked.

"You know what I want." She came closer to me.

"Don't you dare take one more step towards me! Just leave!" I yelled, irritated greatly by Wendy's seduction attempt. I am not going to let her come between me and Amanda. I hate how Wendy acts so two faced. She looks and acts all innocent, but it's all a lie.

"Fine. I will leave. I just need to ask you a question."

"If I answer your question, will you leave?"


"Okay then, what's your question?" I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"Do you love her?" I swear her question made my heart stop for a moment. That horrific question.

"You already know the answer to that question." I broke eye contact with Wendy.

"And what answer is that?"

"That I can't love."

And with that, she leaves.

I can never let Amanda know what just happened tonight.

Amanda's POV

I arrived at the tree house to get some food. I entered the kitchen and opened all the cabinet doors with snacks. Honestly, I had a hard time picking which snack to eat. I finally decided to pick a box full of chocolate chip cookies. I don't know how Peter gets all this food, but I aint complaining.

But as I turned my back, someone grabs me by the arm and pins me hard against the wall. I could barely see in the dark, so I wasn't able to recognize who this person was, but I knew it was a guy because of its strength. His hand was placed over my mouth, so I could't scream. I went with my #1 method of kicking the person between the legs. The stranger backed away from my body and let go of me.

I ran to turn on the light switch. When the lights turned on, I finally saw the stranger's face. It was Adam. Fucking Adam. What was he gonna do to me?! What were his intentions?

"What the hell Adam?!"

"L-let me explain." He brought his hands up, signaling me to calm down.

"Yeah you better explain yourself! What's gotten into you?!"

"I wasn't gonna attack you or anything. I just wanted to talk to you, but I knew you wouldn't listen to me." Yeah that's why you grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

"It sure seemed like you were gonna do something to me!" I yelled and he stood silent. "Now what did you want to talk to me about?" I calmed down a bit.

"I just wanted to say that you shouldn't trust Pan, okay! I know something is up, I just don't know what it is....You deserve so much better than that monster!" He roared. Monster? Peter may be complicated, but he is no monster.

"He is not a monster!"

"Oh please. He may be your boyfriend, but you and I both know that he is still a bloody demon and always will be!" Rage formed in his expression.

"Why can't you just be supportive? What happened to you being my best friend?!"

"I am not supportive because I care about you! And we are not best friends anymore because of Pan, remember?!" I stayed quiet, looking down at my hands. Tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't know why I was crying, but I couldn't help it.

"Don't you see? It's not me getting in the way of your relationship....It's Pan! We were supposed to be together and Pan is just in the way!" Adam cried out. I finally looked up to face Adam. Our eyes met and I wiped away the tears from my eyes. Adam wiped away a tear as well. "Well, that's all I wanted to say." He said in a disappointed tone, motioning to leave the tree house.

But before he leaves the tree house, I run up to him and give him a hug. A friendly hug. A hug that we defintely both needed. We eventually let go of each other and he leaves the tree house.

Hugging him just felt so right. It was no 'Peter Pan hug'. But it was a hug from Adam. My best friend.

Oh boy. I can never let Peter know what just happened tonight.

Narrator's POV

Amanda walked back to the cliff to meet with Peter once again. Peter spotted Amanda coming out from the leaves and said, "Oh, there you are. I was worried about you for a second and was about to go get you."

"Oh well I was just a little lost that's all." Amanda lied.

"So did anything happen to you?" Peter asked a little worried.

"Nope. Totally uneventful."

"Hmm alright." Peter reached for Amanda's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"So how bout you? Did anything happen while I was gone?" Amanda questioned Peter.

"Nope. I was just by myself waiting for you." Peter lied.

"Yeah sorry about that." Amanda laughed.

After a few laughs, both Amanda and Peter laid on the ground like they did before, and watched the beautiful night sky. You would think that they would feel comfort, feel happiness, and feel relaxation at the moment. But all they felt, was guilt. For they both had something to hide that night.

A/N: Thank you for 500+ reads! Please vote and comment! All love.
- K

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