Chapter 9

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-Keep on fanning guys, because I’m almost up to my goal, 100 fans!! Anyways, thanks so much for bringing my book into the top 100 somethings, for both WEREWOLF and NON-TEEN FICTION Categories! I'm so proud, so I am making this chapter kind of long so GREAT JOB GUYS! I owe you this...


I straightened out my clothes before bounding down the stairs to meet up with Blake, Samuel and Zach. They were going to finally take me to the mall today and it was all on them. As I greeted them with a mischievous grin on my face, I bet they all knew what I was up to.

It was probably going to be my last time shopping in a while, so I might as well make the best of it. Max decided not to come along because apparently he has some 'work' to do. And by work, I meant sleeping for the whole day in his bed. Training was tough and since I was a beginner, we had to work longer and harder. Max having to show me how to fight and what not, and I could really start to see the 2 pack for abs I was getting. Max saw it as great results and by the end of next month, I'd be about ready. But then we'd have to practice my fighting more than my daily workout.

“Wait what road are we taking to get out on the main road?” I questioned the driver, who in this case was Blake.

“Oh, we keep them well hidden, so don't be surprised when we start driving in the middle of no where.” He gave me a glance before starting up the car. In the house, I had already called shotgun which Samuel and Zach were not happy about.

I nodded my head and then reached for the radio in hopes of finding some tunes, but Blake smacked my hand away. “No way.”

“Yes! I'm bored and I'm pretty sure the mall isn't close by.” I gave him a stern glare, which he returned, but about five minutes of just sitting here, Zach yelled, “Just let her turn on the dang radio Blake!”

Blake sighed and let me have my way reluctantly before backing the car out of the garage. I flipped through some radio stations until finally I came upon a song that I was quite familiar with.

“You hit me once, I hit you back. You gave a kick, I gave a slap. You smashed a plate over my head and I set fire to our bed...” The beat of the song started and I nodded my head to it.

Soon it was Sam and I singing the song, at first I was appalled by the fact he knew the lyrics to a Florence and the Machine song, but I just went along with it. “YOU HIT ME ONCE, I HIT YOU BACK! YOU GAVE A KICK, I GAVE A SLAP! YOU SMASHED A PLATE OVER MY HEAD AND I SET FIRE TO OUR BED!”

“MY BLACK EYE CASTS NO SHADOW, YOUR RED SEES NOTHING! YOUR SLAP DON'T STICK, YOUR KICKS DON'T HIT, SO WE REMAIN THE SAME. LOVE STICKS! SWEAT DRIPS! BREAK THE LOCK IF IT DON'T FIT! A KICK TO THE TEETH IS GOOD FOR SOME- A KISS WITH A FIST BETTER THAN NONE!” We had literally screamed the whole song and along the way Zach learned the lyrics and we were annoying the heck out of Blake. His knuckles were white as he clenched the wheel.

Though my screech at the end of the song had been the last straw, before he turned around and looked at us, his yell booming inside of the vehicle, “IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP, THIS RADIO GOES OFF AND WE ARE TURNING AROUND.”

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