Chapter • Two

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We held hope in our hearts for far too long. 

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Chapter Two

I feel like I'm drowning.

And when you're drowning, it feels like your head is about to explode. As if there are weights hooked to your feet and you're sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Ever so slightly sinking and feeling the pressure rise in your head. Your ears pop, your toes tingle, and your lungs are burning roughly within you.

And then just as suddenly as it starts-

It stops.

The pressure is gone as oxygen invades through your mouth. Your heart is hammering like a hummingbird, beating so fast you fear it might just tear from your body.

Your vision clears, your hearings wakened. Just like that, I'm back to reality.

Looking at my surrounding, there was only one word to describe it: complete and utter chaos.

People are screaming, some are praying, and many are crying. Even the teachers gave up on finding any form of tranquillity.

All we could do now was to watch in fear at the wall projecting this calamity. The man, he... he raised his gun until the trigger was aligned with one of the student's head.

Pulling the hammer, his hand hovered over the trigger. The man never once looked at his target, rather his eyes were set on the camera.

As if he were staring deep into my soul.

A sinister smirk formed on his full lips and his hand pulls the trigger.

P-taff - And the screen went black.

Kai has killed an innocent human being.

Nothing but heavy breathing was sounded throughout the gym. The screen now black, the previous images forced into every person's mind.

Even with my eyes closed, the incident is imprinted in my mind. The sound of the gun shot replaying again and again and again.

A single student stood up, her eyes wide staring in horror, her hand stretched out pointing at a wall.

"He- he killed Philip." The horror in her eyes replaced with rage as she searched the crowd. Suddenly, she stopped.

Her eyes stopping at me, no behind me.

Shoving people as she marched over, her tall figure stood straight in front of Alex.

"You, It's all your fault!" Her screams came out jittery as she aggressively pushed at Alex's chest. She began slapping and hitting as Alex tried to steer away.

"They begged, they begged for mercy and you denied them! You pushed them to their death! It's all your fault. It's all your fault!" She began to shout frantically, her hands coming in contact with Alex repetitively.

No one moved the slightest bit to help. To stop it.

Finally, Alex grabbed the girl's hand tightly.

Through gritted teeth, he says, " if I hadn't denied them entrance then it wouldn't be just their heads rolling, it would be ours too! You should be thanking me, blondie, I saved your life. If that monster did that to those students, what do you think he would do to you? To all of us?" Alex's harsh words were undoubtedly true.

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