Coffee and blood soup

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"I need some coffee." Elena mumbled walking into the kitchen ignoring the people still here.

"It's in the middle of the afternoon." Caroline stated giving elena a confused look.

"Stefan has been following me every where I go." She said before turning to me. "What are you making?" She asked looking in the pot on the stove.

"Soup." I said and swatted elenas hand away when she tried to grab some carrots. "Don't touch." I told her. I looked over at the pot to see jenna getting a spoon full of broth. "Jenna." I whined when she put the spoon in her mouth quickly so I couldn't take it away.

"When did you take the dagger out of my brother?" Rebekah asked sitting down.

"The real question is where is the dagger?" Caroline said grabbing a noodle and sticking it in her mouth.

"Caroline." I whined at her swatting at the three hands reaching for my soup.

"Where is the dagger?" Elena asked leaning against the counter.

"Right here." is said bringing it out of my inside pocket. Elijah and rebekah both went to stand before stopping. "I'm not going to use it on you." I told them putting it back in my pocket. "First It would kill me and second I like you guys." I said and rebekah rolled her eyes.

"That should reversed. Glad to know the main reason you won't kill us is because it would kill you." Rebekah said glaring playfully.

"Of course, priorities." I said in a duh tone. Jenna walked over to the fridge and opened the door before asking.

"Do you know what happened to all he blood bags?" 

"In the soup." I said calmly and elena started choking.

"You let me eat blood?!" Elena asked as she put a hand to her throat.

"You took." I said pointing at her. "And I haven't put any blood in yet." I said raising one of the blood bags from behind the veggies. Elena punched my arm. I held my arm an faked a cry of agony. "Oh no the pain. I think I see the light. That's it, I've been defeated by a poke from a teenage girl. I see my life reflecting in my eyes!" I said falling back into Rebekah's arms dramatically.

"You're suck a child." Rebekah said though the grin on her face gave it away.

"You love me. It's only natural." I said patting her cheek.

"Are you going to stop leaning on me now?" She asked.

"No. I'm comfy." I said and she stepped back making me stand quickly and glare at her playfully over my shoulder. I turned to see elena getting a bowl of soup. "Hey." I said batting her away.

"I'm getting some before you ruin it." Elena said walking away with her bowl and sticking her tongue out at me. I stuck my tongue out at her in return.

"Children." Jenna muttered under her breath as she Laughed. I got another bowl out and filled it for Jeremy so he would have some. I set the bowl in the fridge before walking back to my soup and dumbing blood in it.

"Ruined perfectly good soup." Elena muttered.

"I think it smells better actually." Caroline said sniffing the air. Jenna handed me more bowls and I filled them. I handed them out as I set one in front of Elijah and rebekah. "Where did out learn to cook?" Caroline asked.

"Didn't they have servants in your time?" Jenna asked.

"I don't like other people touching my food so I made my own. The 'servants' taught me." I said to them taking elenas coffee and drinking it. Rebekah took it from me and took a drink. I pouted and took it back when she was done.

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