Day one (and 3/4)

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That next class I can't even recall. My mind was rushing with all of the action that happened today. Waking up this morning seems like a year ago. Lunch was finally upon me so I began walking to Cosi. Austin and Holly were already waiting outside.

"No way! You've got to be kidding me." I over hear Austin shout. When I get closer Austin turns to me, "Dude Holly hasn't read any of the Harry Potter books!"

"And to think, I call you my friend." I jokingly shame her. Considering Austin was Harry Potter for Halloween three years in a row, I'm surprised he hadn't learned this fact about Holly before.

"Woah woah woah. Sorry I have a life." she flips her hair.

"Ouch." Austin grabs at his heart and winces as if he's been shot. You don't really get to choose who your friends are. You just kind of fall into One. And I'm certainly glad These are the two I got stuck with.

Then I see Harry coming from behind the two of them. "Hey!" he waves.

Holly and Austin whip theirs head around and then turn back to me.

"Who the hell is that??" Holly smirks and elbows me in the ribs.

"My frieeennndd," I push her away. Austin just stands there awkwardly. "Hey." I wave back.

"Holly, Austin, this is Harry." I give them wide eyes as if to say don't-say-something-stupid.

"Hello Harry." Holly says all professional like.

"Hey," Austin says expressionless.

"Nice to meet you guys," Harry smiles and tucks his hands in his pockets.

"Well then, any one hungry?" I clap my hands together. "I know I am!"

We enter the building and all take turns ordering our food. When we sit down, Austin being the germ-a-phobe he is, wipes the table down. Back in high school, he would always wipe the table down. I admire his neatness though. But in the end, it's always fun to tease him about it.

"So Harry what are you majoring in?" Holly casually interrogates him.

"I'm kind of undecided I was originally studying photography at S-"

"Great," she interrupts him "You have an accent."

"Yeah......" he says.




"Okay then!" I interrupt. "Austin, how was the recent episode of Game of Thrones?" I say in effort to change the subject. If anything, I don't want Holly getting the wrong impression.

"Good." Austin keeps his eyes on his plate and picks at his salad. I exchange a glance with Holly and continue to eat. I haven't seen him act like this since Holly first started dating Niall. The rest of the meal consisted of Holly asking Harry dumb question and me praying for this to end. But then something pretty exciting happened.

"Harry? Oh my god!" a voice shouts from behind me. I turn around to see a girl standing in awe.

"Tella?" Harry gets up from his seat and rushes over to the girl. "How have you been!?" He hugs her, and for some odd reason, I feel jealous.

"I'm good! You look great!" she places a hand on his shoulder.

"As do you!" he smiles. "Oh I'm sorry, Tella this is Delilah, Holly, and...... Austin right?" Austin rolls his eyes and nods.

"Hey," I awkwardly wave.

"You look soooo familiar!" Tella says to me, "Have we met before?"

"I don't think so," I laugh. Tella looked a bit younger than me, long brown hair and glasses. She was pretty so if I knew her I'm sure I'd remember. She also had an accent, just like Harry.

"Hmm, that's strange," she questions.

"Tella and I were in the same transfer program." he explains to us. "I thought you went back to England?" Harry turns to her.

"Oh I did. I'm here visiting some friends that I met through the program!" she laughs.

"Small world....." he smiles "See Delilah, I told you some things are coincidences." Harry smirks to me.

Tella smiles at me in admiration, "You just look so familiar!" I shrug in response. I don't think I've ever seen her before. This whole thing is totally bizarre.

"Ugh!" She looks down at her watch. "I really wish I could stay and chat but I've really got to get going. Harry it was really great seeing you!" Tella smiles to him.

"I'm glad you're doing well," He hugs her goodbye.

"Nice meeting you all," she waves to the three of us. We all wave back and Harry sits down.

"I'm sorry that was rude of me," he sighs.

"No it's cool," I tell him. "She seems really nice."

"Yeah she's awesome." I look down awkwardly and then he adds, "She's like a sister to me."

Holly smirks to me from across the table and I shoot her down with a glance.

"Oh crap, I've got to get to work!" I groan when I realize what time it is.


Work is extremely slow so I just hang out and read while my co worker Janice helps someone pick out a new sofa.

"It honestly doesn't matter! They all feel the same!" I hear her shout.

"I want to talk to that girl." The old lady crosses her arms and points to me.

Janice rolls her eyes and walks over to replace my seat when I get up.

"Good luck," she sarcastically whispers in my ear.

"What can I help you with?" I put on my best fake smile.

"Well, I want a sofa that's comfortable but not to comfortable because it's for my foyer and I don't want people sitting in my foyer but if they do I don't want them complaining." She explains through big hand motions.

"Well I have just the couch for you!" I tell her. I don't really have the perfect couch for her. That's just what people want to here. I direct her to a plain white couch which I give to literally all the people like her.

"This is absolutely perfect!!" She sits and take in the "fake couch" I presented to her. "I'll take it!" She shouts.

As I'm ringing her up and explaining the delivery system I hear a ding from the opening of the door. When I look to see who it is...


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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