Summer 2015

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June started off great just finished school on the 6th. Me and my friend went Zoombezi Bay and had a awesome time. It was so much fun and I loved it. Then me and this guy started dating and it started off great. We went to a yard sale place. He got hockey sticks. We went to the movies a lot. He would always make me laugh and smile he treat me right. And it was so much fun. But I knew something would happen. Something always happenes. 


July started off good. Me and the guy I was dating were hanging out or seeing each other almost every day, he would always make me smile. Then I realized I had day camp coming up then two weeks of resdant camp and I knew me and him couldn't hang out. I remebered that he wanted more hockey sticks so i got them. I went back to that yard sale place back in june and got them for him as a one month present. So me and him went out for our one much and it was so sweet. And he was so chilled about it. It was the best night ever. I couldnt stop smiling, it was so much fun. I gave him the hocky sticks and i knew he was happy from the way he looked at me. Then I went off to day camp and would always text him when I got home. We then started to get into a fight and we just decided we should brake up. After we did I went to day camp and realized the Shawn Mendez concert was that night and now knowing I'm single y not go. I went and it was fun. After day can I had to pack for two weeks at the camp. I thought it would be fun but I ended up not wanting to be there after 4 days. The girls we're giving me a attitude.  They kept trying to say that they are better then me and it just made me mad. I only had a week left. After that week end I thought maybe this week will be better.  And it did get better. I got to shadow a group of younger girls knew half of them so I enjoyed that. then it was the end of he week and I couldn't wait to w home. I got home and didn't want to do anything. Then all the drama about me and that guy started napping and i got annoyed.  The guy didn't know that I miss him and still care about him.


I got back at The begin of August.  all this drama and crap started happening. I was getting annoyed. I started post stuff about that guy, hoping to see if he still cared. Soon realized he didn't. I wanted to check up on him so I went to his page. He was in the hospital.  I started crying thinking "is this my fault" and "what happened when I was gone" I couldn't stop crying. Later he got surgery.  And I thought maybe I should visit him, and see how he's doing. He didn't want to see me so I didn't go. I got him a card and a magazine. He didn't know. He got home and I was gonna visit him at his place. I was gonna wait a few days tho. When I was gonna go and give him this stuff. He was back in the hospital.  And again he didn't want to see me. I then go the message he's done with me. He hates me. I screwed up. He don't wanna be friends with me. I then was crying almost everyday. I kept thinking "what did I do"  "is This all my fault" "will he ever forgive me". Then he got out and was home then. I kept thinking I need to give it to him it's my last chance. Then I thought " what If he don't want to see me" so I didn't. And for the past two weeks I kept pictureing going to him and seeing him smile when he opens the card and reading it. It will never happened now. Its now almost time for school only got a week and a half or less now. I knew he didn't wanna see me now I waited to long. I tried going on nd dating someone else. I Dumped him because I'm not over this guy. He don't know what it feels like I can't keep doing this. I don't know if I should give  to him or leave him be. I've hurt him and I cant undo what I've done. I've talked to him but he don't care. He don't know what iv done to my thighs. He don't know I cared so much. but he dont care. School is starting, time is running out. I need help.

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