Chapter 21

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Recap: "pst. Avery I think your in trouble"

"So Avery you got a boyfriend" Alex asked I saw Jason clenched his fist "Al it's Danny she misunderstood when I called him my boyfriend" I explained "you met her boyfriend" Jason growled as if we were threatening him. "I'm going upstairs" he growled "he doesn't even live here" I exclaimed. "Wait who's your boyfriend" Drew asked "I don't have a boyfriend I have a boy _ friend his names Danny and he's gay" I said he nodded and I went upstairs.

I walked through the rooms seeing Jason in my room on my bed. "Jason what's wrong with you" I asked "what's wrong with me what was wrong with you" he growled "I'm confused why are you mad" I asked sitting on my bed "because you had this boyfriend and the only one who knew was Alex" he started "ok first my boyfriend actually is my boy _ friend and is gay damn he said you were hot and can turn you and Alex gay" I giggled "oh" was all he said I stood to leave but he grabbed my arm.

"Ave earlier you weren't drinking while driving were you" he asked "I didn't risk crashing your car don't worry" I mumbled walking towards the door trying to leave but he put his hand over me keeping the door close. He turned me around so I was facing him he pinned me against the wall with his body "Ave I wasn't worried about my car I was worried about you I have more then one car but only one of you" he said taking my hand in his chin.

"Ave say something" he said his eyes flickered to my eyes to my lips and back again. I looked at his lips bitting mine grabbing his neck lowering him down towards me pulling his slowly when he brushed his lips against mine. "You sure you want me to take your first kiss" he asked I nodded and kissed him he kissed my lips sending sparks through my body.

When we pulled back we smiled at each other I hadn't noticed I was breathing heavy "so how was it" he asked "great" I sighed smiling "Wanna do it again" he asked I nodded pulling him closer kissing him with more passion we pulled back breathless I smiled making my way out of my room.

I went downstairs sitting next to Alex I leaned my head against his shoulder smiling I kissed Jason McCann and I loved it. "Ave why are you smiling" Joey asked "I kissed Jason it was my first kiss it was perfect" I sighed Alex wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. Jason came downstairs and glared at us "what's his problem" I asked Alex "He's passive" he mumbled "over..." I asked "you" he finished.

"Guys I'm going to head up to bed I'm super excited to see Matt tomorrow" I squealed I heard Jason growl.

I jogged to my room changed into my pj's and crawled under my covers when my door opened.

"Avery you still awake" Jason asked "yeah Jase what's up" I asked sitting up he sat on the edge of my bed. "Ave are you super excited to see Matt" he asked "hell yes I love Matt" I said getting to excited I guess it was my separation anxiety talking "alright bye" he said coldly.

I grabbed his arm "Jasey" I asked noticing a sudden change in his tone "Jasey babe you ok" I asked "yeah good night Avery" he mumbled "Night Jasey" I said as he shut the door.

What is his problem I miss my brother why did he get so pissy about it. I layed back on my bed and closed my eyes and relaxed life will sorta go back to normal as soon as Matt gets here. I soon found sleep.

Uploaded five chapters but I did have like 6 already written and waiting anyway hope you in joyed the little update spree

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