Chapter 25

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The day before the second task was one of buzzing excitement, and although I had missed the first portion of the tournament I was beyond determined to go to this task. Partially to see if everything was going to be as exciting as it sounded and partially because it took place on my favorite place. The day passed in a blur, and I had entirely skipped lunch, instead going to sit down by the lake, much to the dismay of Crabbe, who complained several times about being hungry before getting up and sneaking back inside, I wondered how long it would take my brother before he realized and punished him.

Classes had been incredibly unproductive, even more so than usual, due to the excited chatter. No one else knew what the task would be pertaining to though some rumors spread about sending the champions into the forbidden forest blindfolded. At dinner I let it slip about the location of the second task, before slipping back into a comfortable silence with my new friend. I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I pushed food around the edges of my plate. I had no appetite it seemed, though I partially believed that was in part due to the exhaustion I was feeling from the few hours I had slept the previous night.

My hand still had fits of stinging pain occasionally, but for the most part everything had returned to normal. I had received a letter this morning from my concerned mother, not surprisingly a repercussion from Draco writing home, and despite being barely half way into the year it felt as though I hadn't seen them in at least a year. I intended to write back tonight. Apparently my father had been furious at the school and threatened some sort of lawsuit against the school, according to mom. I couldn't help but smile in awkward gratitude. At least it shows he cares.

I had finally finished the strange muggle book, and had kept it stashed in my nightstand. The ending was predictable, but somehow appealing. Who knew I would be into romance books.

"Earth to Ally." A hand waved in front of my face.

"Eh?" I snapped out of my thoughts, turning to face the brunette girl who had quickly become my favorite person, aside from my brother. Yet despite her company many of the days I felt as though I was longing for someone else.

"If you keep your mouth open like that you'll be eating flies." She joked, smiling kindly. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut it." I pouted.

"Look at that." She commented, moving an inch closer to me and nudging me to look up at the staff table. Onyx eyes glared down at the table and through me.

"Merlin." I hissed turning my back to the table uncomfortably. "I'd hate to know what poor creature crawled up his ass." I remarked which caused Astoria to lightly smack my arm and raise her hand to her mouth to cover her smile. Which for a while I assumed was an etiquette thing until she confessed that she had been insecure of her smile due to teasing from an extended family member.

Her laughter ceased as she looked over my shoulder. "He's really staring you down, I haven't seen that look pointed at anyone other than Potter and the Gryffindorks." I couldn't explain why but I felt a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Have you noticed he's been much harsher on all of the houses in the past two weeks than like...ever?" She asked, tearing her gaze away from the table and looking at me.

"Yeah, well I already told you my theory." I sipped from the large gold goblet.

"Yes I know I know, however I don't think that catching you flirting with Potter would wreck his mood this bad." I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off quickly as she raised her hands in defense. "I know I know, you are very pretty."

I elbowed her.

Later that night we sat in the common room, curled up on a black leather cushion, sharing a fleece blanket, while my brother and his crew sprawled out on the rest of the couches and various chairs. A low green fire crackled at our feet.

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