Pool Party (Devin Gordon)

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This story was requested by Kaitlynbest go follow her!!!

Your friend called you.

Y/n: "Hey"

F:"Hi, are you doing anything Friday?"

Y/n: "No, why?"

F:"I'm going to a party. Wanna come?"

Y/n: Sure, who's party?

F: "Kevin Alston's"

Y/n: "Omg its gonna be gizzy!"

F: "oh and its a pool party"

Y/n: "Its lit, I gotta buy a new bathing suit!"

F:" OK I'll see you Friday, byeee!"

Y/n: "bye!"

Day of the party

You get on your new bathing suit after you take a shower. You put on some clothes and your doorbell rings. Its your friend. You guys walk to Kevin's house. When you guys get there, your friend goes to talk to some girl you don't know. Instead of following her like a lost puppy you go to the pool. You sit down on the floor by the pool and dip your feet in the water. You sit for a minute before someone sots next to you putting their feet in the water. "Hey babe" a boy says kicking your foot softly. You look up and see Devin, your crush. "Hi" you say. "Why don't you get it the water beautiful?" He asks you. "Its a little cold" you say blushing.
"Come onnn" he says as he jumps on the water. He grabs your legs, trying to drag you in with him. You laugh and get in the water with him. He splashes you and you jump on his back. You guys play fight, splashing each other for a few minutes before you get tired. He notices you are tired and gets out of the water. He reaches out his hand to help you out. You grab his hand and get out of the water, but you notice his abs. He sees you staring at them. "Like what you see?" He says winking. You both laugh. He gets a towel and wraps you with it. He holds your hand and leads you to a tree. You guys sit under the tree. He looks you in the eyes and leans in to kiss you. You guys kiss and you see your friend and Kevin looking at you guys and laughing. "Aye ma boy Dev can get it" kev says while your friend laughs. Devin chases Kevin to the pool.

Later on when people start leaving its only you, your friend, Kevin, devin, and Daniel.

Kevin and Devin go towards the pool. They stand next to each other. "This is for y/n!!" Devin yells before doing a backflip into the pool with Kevin.

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