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Phil; hey Dan, I think you should totally think about starting a YouTube video seeing as you obviously have an account

Dan; Phil, no. I would be rubbish. I'd have nothing too talk about, nothing too do as I'm not an creative person. I'm just an everyday human that complains about the generation and society and that rubbish that nobody gives a shit about.

Phil; Exactly Dan! Take your thoughts and opinions and you yourself, and share them with the Internet! You can't be the only person that have deep thoughts or questions there existence a lot! Make them feel like they belong. Like an Internet support group even ^_^

Dan; i guess you do have a good point Phil, but I am pretty abnormal so I'm not sure people would like me personality wise but I'll give it a go

Phil;  Dan what did I teach you hm? Be yourself, because everyone else is taken. Everybody is different in their own way, there is no normal. Weird is very in and so are you! I taught you too embrace your individuality so stop worrying about what other people think and just do what YOU think because you're the only one that matters.

Dan; omg I love you so much. You're just so amazing. Pun not intended lmao.

Phil; always here for you bear, we will fight this depression okay?

Dan; okay Philly, thank you.

Phil; hey, you should be super proud off yourself! You're 3 months clean and do you know what that means? :3

Dan; what??

Phil; it means that we are celebrating! I'm taking you out too dinner!

Dan; awe Phil that's sweet but you don't have too, it's a pretty messed up achievement...

Phil; i am and I will ok, it's not messed up and you're not messed up bear! It was just your coping mechanism and loads off people suffer from this horrible cloud over there head and I'm going too be the one that brings in the sunshine now and then hehe

Dan; you are my sunshine Phil and as long as you're in my life then I'm happy.

Phil; awe bear!

Dan; so what should my video be about because I have no fucking idea

Phil; Dan! Don't swear! And maybe an introduction video too your channel? Something about you, who you are, what you do, your interests, hobbies e.t.c?

Dan; Yeah, good idea.

Phil; ^_^

Dan; you're so cute, did you know that phil?

Phil; alright, what do you want.

Dan; ...


Phil; you're such a child. Fine.

Dan; says the man who sleeps in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PJS... AND YAY. Thank you Philly.

Phil; hey! I'm just an animal lover and they're comfy

Dan; mmhm, sure Phil.

Phil; Actually shut up! I'm coming now with your pancakes. Can I sit with you?

Dan; you have your own bed.

Phil; yeah, why do we have separate bedrooms when were together?

Dan; Phan.

Phil; sorry, what? Did you type with your face or something?

Dan; I'm laughing aha, no Phil. Phan is our ship name. Dan+Phil= Phan.

Phil; yeah what about it lmao?


Phil; oh yeah, we agreed we'd keep it a secret, we can't be doing with the hassle off fangirls.

Dan; no no Phil, they're called phangirls.

Phil; wow Dan. Just wow. How did you know that?

Dan; I might have done a little research on our viewers... Tumblr and all.

Phil; Dan! That's practically stalking!

Dan; yeah well I basically stalked you and look where that's gotten me ;)

Phil; oh shut up.


Phil; well like you said, we have separate rooms.

Dan; it's not like the bloody cameras on, come baaaaaccckkkk and cuddle meeeee

Phil; agh, okaaay

Dan; yay! <3

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