11. Tatiana Disappoints

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11. Tatiana Disappoints

She had failed. Tatiana was frightened of what Noctur's reaction would be. She had not let him down yet but she was certainly close to it. She had promised him she would keep her sister's spell from being broken but Miranda was determined to help the young lord and was getting in her way. She knew she needed help.

She waited until her sister was out of sight and called for the powerful warlock.  He appeared before her in an instant. He took her hand in both of his and bowed low as he kissed it.

“My lady,” said he as he straitened from his bow.

“I have grave news, my lord,” replied she. He waited for her to continue, “unfortunately, my sister has grown fond of the pitiful human she cursed so many years ago and she has been trying to help him break it as of late.” His face gave way to no emotion and she knew not how he would respond. She continued. “She has brought a girl to him.”

“What?” Noctur's careful facade of calmness was broken by rage.

“I–I tried to stop her but–”

“Don't,” He held up his hand to her and glared, “I see I must do everything myself. I will take care of it.” And he was gone.

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