Chapter 34 - Heartache

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Rose became more and more worried. Michelle was mainly silent. She carried on caring for the children but made no further comment about Paul’s whereabouts. Worried for both people, Rose rang Richard and explained her worries. He arrived a short while later. Michelle opened the door to him.

“Hi flower,” he said cheerfully, “I was passing on my from the hospital when I thought I’d drop by for the best cup of tea and homemade biscuits in London.”

“Rose is in the kitchen. Don’t know if she’s been baking yet.  Shut the door behind you.” Her curt response shocked him, as she turned to go back to the job she was doing.

“Michelle,” Richard called after her. She ignored him so Richard followed her into the living room. “Hey Michelle, who’s rattled your cage?”

Michelle looked at him and shrugged then carried on folding laundry. Once the basket was full, she picked it up to head upstairs.

“Whoa!” Richard stood in front of her. “Put that down now. You shouldn’t be carrying that in your condition!”

Michelle flashed angry eyes at him. “Fine!” she barked, putting the basket in his hands, “You do it, my bedroom floor will be fine.”

Richard put the basket down and caught Michelle by the hand. “Hey love, what’s wrong?”

She shook her hand free. “Get off me!”

He let go of her. “Michelle, what’s wrong sweetheart? What’s happened?”


“Michelle, it’s obvious something is wrong. You’re stressed to hell, I can see it in your face. That’s not good for you or the baby!”

“Oh yes, we better not forget the baby! The baby neither Paul or I wanted! Well you’ll be overjoyed to hear, my husband has upped and left me!”

She turned to walk away. Richard stopped her again.

“Michelle. Stop. What’s happened?”

Michelle swallowed. “Leave it Richard ….I don’t want to talk about it!”

Richard kept hold of her. “Did you really say Paul has left you?”

Michelle looked at him, pain showing in her face. “Yes.” Her response was barely a whisper.

“Oh Michelle,what’s happened?”

“He’s gone. It’s that simple. He doesn’t want to be here any more. He doesn’t love me and the children aren’t enough of a reason for him to stay.” She shrugged. “That was me told loud and clear.”

Richard led her into the kitchen. Rose was there but the twins were sleeping in their pram in the garden. After sitting Michelle down Richard pressed her again, more gently this time.

"Paul went to work on Tuesday but never came home.” She explained, “I got worried because he always tells me if he’s going to be late.  I rang different people to see if anyone knew where he was. John eventually admitted something wasn’t right.” She began to cry by this stage, “He told me Paul's started seeing another woman whilst I was in hospital after we lost Jess and he’s still seeing her. Although apparently he's supposed to have stopped when I was pregnant with the twins." She wiped her eyes fiercely. “Well, he finally turned up in the early hours of this morning. I asked him if it was true…at first he tried to deny it but then admitted it’s still going on! The irony is he said the affair began because of how much our life had changed after having the twins! He wanted the family! Yet to add insult to injury, this woman is now PREGNANT!!! So whatever wild time they’ve been having, it’ll come to an end like ours has!” Michelle put her head in her hands and sobbed. “Do you think he ever really loved me Richard? Why has he done this to me? I’ve given so much for him!”

Rose held her hand. “He adored you Michelle. I know he did! I know how you changed his life when you first came here.”

“So what changed that?” Michelle pleaded, “What did I do to stop him loving me? I’ve never stopped loving him!”

“He hasn’t stopped loving you Michelle. Any one could see that in the way he looked at you.

“So why do this to me? What happens to Kathryn and James now? Do they have to grow up without knowing their daddy? And this one, what happens this baby?" She shook her head sadly.

"When did all this happen Michelle?"

“This morning – really early ….he says he wants to divorce me!” More tears began to flow. Richard was concerned that there was a risk of the emotional exhaustion issue that had her hospitalized just after loosing Jessica. “Why don’t you come and lie down Michelle, I can give you something to help you sleep? You look exhausted. Do you get any sleep at all last night?”

Michelle shook her head. “After John told me I just waited for Paul to come home.”

Nodding Richard stood up and held out his hand.

"What?" Michelle looked confused.

"You need to rest."

“I can't Richard. What about the twins?” she asked, “I can’t leave them without someone looking after them.”

“Rose and I can do that – don’t worry. Come on – rest.”

She looked to Rose. "Go on." she said softly, "You know these two will be fine."

Michelle allowed herself to be taken to her room. Richard helped her to undress and then get into bed. Rose came up with a warm drink and some toast.

“She hasn’t eaten for two days.” She told Richard as she gave it to her.

“Is that right Michelle?”

She nodded, “I just wanted to speak to Paul…I couldn’t think straight.”

“As hard as this is going to be Michelle, you have got to still look after yourself, for the twins sake as well as that baby you’re carrying. OK?”

I know….and I will. The twins we will need me. At least Rose and I were used to doing all the child care without him.” She smiled then sighed. “Thanks Richard … means a lot that you’re here.”

“You know you can contact me day or night!”

Impulsively, she hugged him. Before she snuggled down in the bed Richard handed her two tablets.

“What are these?”

“Light sedatives …no harm to baby but good for you.”

She swallowed the tablets and then lay down. Richard turned to leave the room. “Don’t go! Please Richard…don’t leave me on my own. Stay until I’m asleep… Please!”

Richard sat on the chair by the bed. “That better?”


A short time later he returned to the kitchen. He found Rose with the twins. She was talking and playing with them.

“She’s sleeping." he told her, "I’ve given her a gentle sedative so she should sleep probably until tomorrow morning. Can I stay here tonight – then we can sort these little angels together?”

“Will she be OK do you think? She seemed to be in a real state! I can’t believe Paul has done this to her … and for so long. It seems so unlikely.”

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