Chapter 49 - Accused.

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Life started to settle into a routine. The children were now settled back at school. Michael was now much more the happy little boy he had been before his father died and now talked more openly about him. Michelle, however, knew she was struggling to cope. Having spent virtually everyday with Paul for so long, she felt lost without him. Everything she had done had centred around Paul and his work so now her days seemed endless and empty. She drifted through existence, struggling to fill the time in a purposeful way.

About a month after Mike left, the two detectives who had previously spoken to her, turned up at the door. She led them through to the living room and offered them a seat.

“Mrs. McCartney, we have had a break through regarding the death of your husband.”

“…and that is?”

“A man entered Marlyborne Police Station two days ago claiming to be the driver of the vehicle which killed your husband. He knew the details of the incident which have not been made public and also knew the details of all the threats your husband received prior to his death.”

“So you’re sure it’s him?”

“Yes … but Mrs. McCartney, there’s more.”

“It’s a little delicate Mrs. McCartney,” continued the second officer.

“In what way?”

“The driver of the vehicle is seventeen years old. He claims that he set out to hurt your husband because of something Paul did to him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mrs. McCartney, this young man claims that your husband is his father.”


“He claims that your husband had an affair with his mother and he was the result. He then claims that your husband paid for his support until he was six years old but that he never met him. The boy’s mother then died and your husband is supposedly meant to have stopped all funds and allowed the child to be put into care. In his words, he was abandoned. I’m sorry Mrs. McCartney, but are you aware that any of this could be true?”

Michelle shook her head slowly. “I can’t believe you’re saying this! Look, as far as I’m aware, this is all lies!”

“You’re not aware if your husband ever had an affair Mr. McCartney?”

“No…well…kind of.”

“Kind of?”

“Paul and I separated for a while in 1968. He became involved with drugs,” she shrugged, “he left me but later returned. Apparently his supplier was a woman he began a brief relationship with. She claimed she was pregnant by him. When the baby was born, it was mixed race where as she was white – like Paul. There was no way he could have been the father.” She paused for a moment, thinking, “Do you know the date of birth for this lad?”

“November 15th 1969. Born here in London.”

Michelle started counting on her fingers. “That means that if he was born in April then he would have been conceived in January or February 1969. Paul and I were apart from April to November 1968. Our daughter Alice was born in the December of 1968. After we got back together, we moved away from London and lived in the Scottish Boarders until the children reached school age. Paul never came back to London at that time and when he did return, we all did.” She stopped and looked at the officers. “I don’t really see how Paul could be this boy’s father. Paul quit The Beatles so that we could focus on rebuilding our marriage and being a family. In fact I’m fairly sure we didn’t come back to London for almost two years. There was no need to after the band split up.”  She looked thoughtful. “All I can do is talk with our solicitor to see if he is aware of anything that Paul kept from me, but knowing my husband, I very much doubt it.”

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