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Camila reached out and lifted up Lauren's shirt, she gripped onto the object hiding in Lauren's waistband.

"What the fuck!"

"Give me that back!" Lauren shouted, anger replacing every sense in her body. Lauren wasn't angry because Camila took the gun, rather she was ashamed that Camila had caught her in an unfortunate situation.

"Why..." Camila whispered, her voice cracked and she attempted to step back, clearly frightened. However, she ended up backing up into the shelf.

Lauren attempted to reach the firearm, however Camila moved it out of her reach.

"Why do you have a gun..." Camila managed to get out between sobs, when Lauren noticed tears stream down the brunette's face, she stopped trying to get the gun.

Lauren began wiping Camila's tears. However, Camila flinched at her sudden movement.

Lauren felt her heartbreaking at Camila's reaction. Her expression had softened, she took advantage of the silence to hold Camila's hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know how to use it... I need it for protection." Lauren whispered, her answering clearly calming Camila down. "Protection from what?" Camila asked.

Lauren gently pulled on Camila's hand, helping her onto the stool. "Drew has his gang of dicks out for me. They're dangerous Camila. Those guys... They walk around with guns." Lauren ran her fingers through her hair.

"I... Understand. But where did you get the gun from?" Camila asked, her tears were now gone. She relaxed into Lauren's touch.

"From my brother. He works at a shooting range." Lauren answered, she let go of Camila's hand.

Camila gave a shy smile when she realised Lauren was holding her hand. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I don't think I even need to use a gun... But I can't be too protected." Lauren softly said, her calm voice making Camila smile.

"It's okay." Camila answered, giving Lauren's arm a soft squeeze.

"Did somebody order cookies and cake?" A loud cheerful voice called out. Camila and Lauren looked over at the direction of the voice and saw Ally walk in with a pile of trays in her hand.

"Wow! That's a lot. I need to try one." Camila jumped up, she helped Ally with a couple trays and so did Lauren.

The three of them went back to the kitchen and placed the trays on the counter.

Lauren picked up a cookie and raised her eyebrow when she noticed something written on it with frosting.

She looked down at the rest of the cookies and gasped, "Ally why did you do this to the cookies?!"

Dinah ran up to Lauren and examined the cookies. "Oh my..." She gasped.

The chocolate chip cookies had "Thank Jesus for your every meal" written on them with blue frosting.

Lauren immediately ran to look at the cake. It was a vanilla cake with a heart iced on it. In the middle of the heart, there was pink frosting that said "I love Jesus"

"We can't serve this..." Lauren frowned. Ally immediately started to cry when she saw that Lauren didn't approve of her creation.

"But... But... I worked so hard on it." Ally mumbled between sobs. Camila wrapped her arms around the short girl to comfort her.

"It's lunch time. There's no point of trying to change what the cookies or cake say. Just serve them." Maggie demanded. Dinah and Normani helped carry the trays out of the kitchen.

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