36: Meeting Friends

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Your POV:

"See you later Ash!" I waved a 'goodbye' to her and drove back to my place.

I entered my apartment and suddenly hear multiple beeping. I locked the door behind me then took my phone out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered the phone as I walked to my living room. "Hi babe!"

"Oh hey Camila," I smiled to myself and sat on the couch. "How was work?" She asked and sighed. "Same as usual," I said while turning on the tv. "Did anybody flirt with you today?" I love it when she's jealous and possessive. 

"Nope." I popped the 'p' loudly. "Good because you're dating someone. You're mine," she said. "So defensive...I love this side of you babe," I joked causing her to giggle.

"Wanna FaceTime? I'm free today."

"Of course. Call me."

She hung up and a few minutes later I got a FaceTime call. I answered it and almost jumped.

"Give it back Lauren!" I heard Camila whine and I could see her in the background trying to reach for her phone. "We meet again Y/N," Lauren said in her raspy voice. I have to admit it was really hot. "Sup Lauren," I said smiling.

"So you're dating Camila. Are you gonna treat her well?" Lauren arched her eyebrow perfectly. "Laurennn! Give me back my phone!" Camila jumped on Lauren's back. "Um yes," I said suddenly feeling nervous by her intense stare. "Bahaha I'm just kidding. I trust you," she laughed and I nervously laughed along.

"Let me show you to the girls!" Lauren said and started walking with Camila on her back. "Lauren stop!" Camila shouted near Lauren's ear making Lauren flinch. "Camz shut up," Lauren said clearly irritated.

"Girls look at Camila's little girlfriend!" Lauren placed the phone down on a table and backed up. "She's not my girlfriend...yet," I heard Camila mumbled the last word. All the girls sat in front of the phone arguing.

"Mani,move I can't see!" Dinah pushed Normani causing her to fall on the ground.

"Guys I'm short! I get to sit in the front," Ally shouted. "Where do I sit?!" Lauren shouted in frustration. "Camz get off of me!" Lauren shouted at Camila. Camila pouted and sat next to Ally.

They then started arguing and I sat here awkwardly watching them.

"Um guys?" I asked softly and they were still fighting. "HEY GUYS!" I shouted and their heads shot to my direction. "Woah she's pretty," Normani said,"Yeah and she's mine." Camila slapped Normani in the head. "Sorry for the ruckus. I'm Ally," Ally said politely. "Oh I know who you guys are already. I've listened to your songs and must I add you guys are amazing singers,and great role models."

"I like her already," Ally said smiling. "I'm Y/N by the way," I said and they all nodded. "We know. Camila won't shut up about you yesterday," Dinah said. I saw a slight blush form on Camila's cheek which made me smile. "So how old are you Y/N?" Ally asked. "Yeah. Tell us about you," Lauren added.

  "Uhh-" I sat up properly "I'm 19, I work as a waitress, and I live alone in an apartment. Pretty simple." I shrugged my shoulders and let out a small chuckle.

"How about family?" Ally asked and I frowned. "I-I uhh don't wanna talk about it," I said quietly. "Why?" Camila asked and Ally slapped Camila's shoulder.

"Ow! What?" 

"Camila shush!"

"I really don't wanna talk about it," I said and Camila nodded. "Okay. But sooner or later you have to tell me,okay?" Camila said and I nodded. "Well I accept her! I'm gonna go ahead and eat," Dinah stood up and walked away. "Dinah don't eat my buffalo Pringles!" Normani stood up and ran after Dinah. I then hear a 'thud'. "Owww! Ally!!! Normani tackled me! Help!" Dinah shouted.

    "Ugh kids," Ally groaned. "It was nice meeting you Y/N!" Ally said cheerfully and she walked away.

   "So I guess I'm stuck with Camren," I said grinning as I moved my eyebrows. "Yup okay,I'm out." Lauren stood up and disappeared.

Camila and I both laughed. "You shouldn't have said that. Now she's pissed," Camila said laughing.  "Eh it was worth it," I said. "Give it to me I'm worth it!" I heard Dinah shout. "Well there you have it. My crazy friends."

    "So where's your next concert?" I asked.

"Virginia. I can't wait to see the White House again!" Camila squealed cutely. "Camila! Go with me to get Normani new Pringles!" Dinah shouted in the background.

   "NO! I wanna FaceTime my baby!" Camila shouted and I smiled.

"FaceTime her later! This is urgent! I think Normani is on her period," Dinah said.

"I am not,Dinah!"

"She's getting worse I tell ya! Hurry up!"

   "Ugh,I have to go Y/N. Bye baby," Camila blew me a kiss and before I could say bye she hung up. "Well bye I guess," I said to myself.


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