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Hi babies and lovers okay so I know that it has been long seen I started writing but imma bout to put in work and...(gco by hearing something squeaking)...WHAT THE

HELL IS THAT CHRIS AND TYGA!?!?!?(goes upstairs and sounds like there fighting so I run in and see them getting freaky in my bed)

Chris: yes baby mmmmm fuck me harder

Tyga: yeah you like (goes harder and cums in him)

Chris: AHHH!!!!?! (Breathes hard and looks at me) hey gurl

Me: don't hey gurl me I need to talk..(gctfo again by something vibrating loud)

Chris looks down and goes by his vajayjay and takes my phone out w/his sperm on and I go crazy and I snatch it from him

Me: if yall goin live here in my my moms calling....(breathes heavy and put my cum cover phone to my ear and get heated angry but but calm)....hi mama wyd(walks out the room)

Chris and Tyga: (laughs so hard)

Me: okay bye mama...whoo like I was saying before (wiping cum off my ear and my phone) before those two grown love birds interrupt me I will work my but off to make this the best story yet so bye love babies and lovers.

The True Love of My Life (boyxboy Chris×Tyga)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang