09 | Roar

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Chapter 9

"Go home guys," Parrish breathed from inside his cell. He was sitting up against the bars, just like Lydia. "Stilinski isn't telling anyone where he put the bodies, and I'm pretty sure I'm not psychic."

"But you're drawn to death, just like me." Lydia tiredly announced.

"Does that make me a kind of banshee?" Parrish asked,

"You find bodies." she responded.

"I find chimeras." he stated.

"Dead chimeras." I corrected,

If this is their way of flirting, should I be concerned?

"So we're both harbingers of death, I should probably add that to my resume." he continued, ignoring my statement.

"It's on my college applications." Lydia dryly joked.

Parrish got up and sat on the bench in his cell, "Does it help knowing? Knowing what you are." he questioned.

"You know, there are days where I just sit, and wish that I knew what I was." I scoffed.

There was a pause, and some well deserved silence. "It doesn't scare me as much," Lydia admitted, referring back to Parrish's question.

"Do I scare you?" she asked, looking back to Parrish.

"Once." he cautiously responded.

"Really?" she asked, surprised. Parrish stood up and walked back over to the cell door. Lydia then stood up, so they could talk on a normal level.

"It was the night I found that werewolf, the one with the talons." he started. "I thought I was gunna die that night."

"How come?" Lydia questioned,

"Because I saw you. I saw the banshee." he stated. "But I guess it was just a dream or a hallucination."

"What was I doing?" Lydia skeptically wondered.

"Trying to keep me alive," he answered.

"Sorry, but the banshee was mostly trying to stay out of the rain," Lydia chuckled.

"That was the night of the storm," I understood, cutting into the conversation.

"The wild hunt." Lydia deadpanned, finishing my statement.

"The what?" Parrish asked,

"It was something Kira was telling me, a myth about thunderstorms. Ghost-riders in the sky and black dogs-" Lydia stopped.

"What is it?" I furrowed my eyebrows, noticing her hesitation.

"I need to check on something. We'll be right back don't go anywhere." she affirmed.

He gave Lydia a look, "You know what I mean," she finished, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the building.

Lydia dragged me to the library, where she was currently flipping through pages of a book. She was trying to figure out what Parrish was. While she was doing that, I was going through books of my own. I needed to know what I was.

"Woden's Hunt. Also known as the wild ride, or wild hunt. A myth of devilish riders in the sky, accompanied by black dogs," Lydia read, looking at me.

I got up and walked over to her, reading over her shoulder. She turned her head back to the book, and continued,

"Spectral beasts whose eyes glowed with fire, a bearer of death and guardian of the supernatural. The black dog is also known by its more common name," she continued.

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